Ohio Voters slam Impeachment- It’s a distraction from real issues – IOTW Report

Ohio Voters slam Impeachment- It’s a distraction from real issues

[…] Nine out of 11 swing voters who took part in a focus group in Ohio said impeachment is a distraction from the issues they care most about — wages and unemployment, border security, bringing troops home, and health care costs and access. MORE

4 Comments on Ohio Voters slam Impeachment- It’s a distraction from real issues

  1. Impeachment isn’t just a distraction, its actually all the democrats have, they know their political boat is sinking fast with no other message to use against Trump. Struggling and panicing to keep their heads and lame impeachment fairy tale above the deep, swirling political waters, they keep going under the waves.

  2. The Democrats are bereft of any policies or ideas that benefit the people who make the country work. They have abandoned the middle class for Wall Street interests (ignore Sanders and Warren) and foreign nationals. They still pay lip service to. Blacks, but even they are starting to wake up. They’ve gone so far left that people who have voted for them all their lives are walking away.

    Trump will be remembered, among many things, as the man who destroyed the Democrat-Socialist party.

    Their demise can’t come soon enough:


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