55 Comments on Ohio woman calls 911, asks for firefighters because –
What a sorry looking sack of shit.
I didn’t need to click
Thank you.
She doesn’t need the fire department, she needs the health department to fix that problem.
…and SURPRISE! Nobody was interested in putting out her fire.
I clicked on the link. I’d advise people not to.
I don’t even want to think what that might have smelt like.
we all have our needs …. I guess
@Bad Brad
I’m thinking it smelt like a dead smelt.
I like how the excuse was they were all drunk and didn’t notice her calling 911. LOL.
Told Ya
Half n Half
Onions & 8 Bell Whiskeys
For years in my youth I was searching
for a girl with her “Pussy on fire”…
Good thing I never found that SKANK.
Fire is the best way to get rid of crabs. Maybe she had a bad infestation and a lot of…..underbrush.
Tim Buktu
I was wondering if anybody would pick up on that. Lol
….Has to be a liberal dumb-shit.
Or….Hopefully, too damn dumb to vote.
You said ‘liberal dumb-shit’
Wasn’t that redundant?
Sorry. But I am cranky tonight.
I should just go to bed.
…she’d make a penetrating nozzle limp…
….sorry lady, we have the Jaws of Life, not the Tounge of Death…
Too much cowbell?…..
…there’s no “Hose for Hoes” program at this time, ma’am, please check back later…
…the thing she says is on fire must be Schrödinger’s pussy, no one is ever going to open up the container to see it, so it is dead and alive at the same time…
…it’s a poor fireman that would use his hose on something that is DEFINITELY not hot..
…I know how cops are around firemen, always an inferiority complex…the only reason they arrested this crazy broad is she wasn’t asking THEM for, eh, ‘service’…
You know, there really are some stories we don’t need to know about. This might be one of them. She must really be a fun drinking partner.
SNS-I wouldn’t touch that with your halligan tool.
…you were misinformed, ma’am, we carry PIKE poles, not DYKE poles…
MAY 6, 2020 AT 9:59 PM
“SNS-I wouldn’t touch that with your halligan tool”
…you can use a hooligan tool to break OUT as well as IN, @rr, just sayin’…
after blackout maybe,
but prolly not
…it’s a PICK head axe on the truck fender, not a DI…
…just to be clear, the truck’s “Hose Bed” is NOT meant as a double entendre…
Firefighters got a lot pickier when hot women started paying attention to them after 9/11.
20 years ago she would have had some takers even looking like that.
…y’know, “On Fire” is really NOT a great way to describe your genitalia, if you think about it…
“20 years ago she would have had some takers even looking like that.”
…I started my fire service in the ’80s.
…no, she would NOT.
…even THEN, the uniform was a chick MAGNET.
…I still have the WIFE it attracted as PROOF…
^^^ Why haven’t I heard about this ’til now? LOL.
…the HazMat team would be called to THAT incident…
Not even I’d hit that!
If she’ll vote for me I’ll gladly grab a hold of my hose and spray her down.
Oh hey, that reminds me.
Slow Joe is the perfect example of Democrats actually doing what they accuse of Republicans of doing.
They falsely accused President Trump (MILST) of grabbing women by the pussy {his actual comment was that there are women who will let you do anything, especially if you are rich and famous – I’m not rich and famous and I know that there are women who will let you do that}.
What is Slow Joe Biden accused of?????????????????
Actually grabbing a woman by the pussy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Like a bowling ball with full finger insertion no less!!!!!!!!!
Where are all the pink pussy hats now???????
Where is the Million Vagina March on Delaware????????
…she’s doin’ it wrong…with HER looks, HER drinking habits, and HER demanding HER needs be serviced,she could EASILY be the Governor of a Blue state, then she’d have all the strapping State Troopers she could EVER want at her beck and call…
…where’s @huron in this? Pretty sure he was a FF brother in the Great White North, and maybe she’d have better luck if long, cold Canadian nights were involved…
With a Ton of makeup, perfect lighting and Hillary out for a 20 minute walk, Bill Clinton would do her.
^^^I think he likes ’em younger now.
WAY younger.
She’s 50, so at LEAST fourty YEARS younger…
Did somebody poke and stroke till their wrist got numb?
Just couldn’t do it?
Katrina’s a load of fun at parties, wedding receptions, family reunions, funerals.
you say you want some mora?
right here on the floora?
she seems nice….
I had just the opposite problem with Eleanor. I got frostbite in 1913 and again in 1915. You’d think it would take only once frozen stiff to learn my lesson. I was drunk on Valentine’s Day at Campobello the second time.
BTW, she only thawed out with Amelia Earhart.
Poor drunken slob thought the Icy Hot roll-on was her dildo…
I’d hit that
Several years ago when I volunteered for the local rescue squad, we took a call from a man who claimed, “my asshole is on fire.” No lie. No arrests. The man was obviously not right. We took him to the ER. Sometimes police need to use a bit more discretion in dealing with the public. Why threaten her with arrest before she was agitated? Maybe she did have an infection and needed medical assistance.
She meant to dial the exterminator
Like the song says “…let the mother****** burn.”
We had a woman here who was bombarded with energy weapons.
Another woman had meth-heads in her attic.
Just another day on the job – our Sheriff’s Office and Rescue guys put up with a lot – they usually talk em through it rather than arrest them – first rate people.
izlamo delenda est …
This story reminds me of a poker game my father and his poker pals would play. It think the game was invented by soldiers in WWII.
The actual name was “Fiery Cross”, with cards layed out in a cross. Of course, they had to call it “Fiery Crotch”.
Old soldiers – to be expected.
…just to clarify, if anyone’s wondering, I did NOT meet my wife because of a CALL!
I was introduced to her by her cousin as “My boyfriend’s firefighter best freind”, and she didn’t even SEE me in uniform until LATER in our relationship, when I saw her on Squad nights and such, and even went Code 3 a time or two in my POV with her in it.
…one time that was a bit awkward because it was a “Chimney Fire” call, and these didn’t USUALLY take very long, an extinguisher, some poking around in an attic, red tagging it until a professional chimeny sweep evaluated it, bada boom bada bing, 20-30 minutes and back to the House. I wanted to impress her with the way I could drive while my flashy lights pushed lesser beings aside, so off to the House we went…
…She couldn’t drive then (no, I wasn’t a cradle robber, her circumstances when I met her just didn’t support her having a car, so she simply didn’t get her license until a little later in life), but it was cold so I left her my keys so she could run the motor while I went out doing manly things with a manly crew.
…well, got there and ended up as nozzleman on an inside hose crew just as a breakout happened in the area the ceiling had been chipped away from by the first-in crew where they wrongly believed it was confined in the chimney at the time. It didn’t take a BUNCH of water and we put a good stop on it (the homeowner even thanked me later), but flowing ANY water increased the OFIRS reporting a hundredfold at the time, so that 5 seconds of masterful hose handling resulted in an hour of bureacratic blathersgate that had to be filled out ON SCENE, not to mention that we kinda wanted to make sure the fire was ACTUALLY out this time, so it was a pretty good bump in scene time while we carefully chipped away more house, inside and out, and went through a butt ton of State reportage as well, which is fun in fire gloves (it was STILL a cold day).
…about 45 minutes into the figurative “burn”, it dawned on me that my inamorta was still encamped in the passenger seat of my Buick Electra in the House parking lot, probably getting pretty bored and more than a LITTLE in need of a nice pee. I radioed back to the House, where happily someone was there that could let her in, so she wasn’t TOO pissed at me on return to quarters, but I walked around her a bit more in full turnout gear than I absoluely needed to just to be SURE…
…but as far as anyone romancing a PATIENT, that was STRICTLY verboten, unnecessarily so as far as I could see because you’d have to be a pretty sick individual to find ANYTHING about REAL emergencies “sexy”, and as far as I know, NO one started a relationship with anyone they met in a professional context. It just wasn’t done. Young man or NOT, you’re mentally in a different place when you’re called to duty, and the concept of romance is as foreign at such times as the concept of quantum fusion would be, it just is too far removed from the current paradigm to even be mentally entertained.
So in MY experience, had they ACTUALLY rolled any emergency vehicles outside of a PO’d PO, she would have gotten ZERO response, asked if she wanted transported to a hospital, maybe given an orientation test, then asked to sign a patient refusal, followed by a squad member putting P.U.T.S. in the signature line witnessed by LEO, for “Patient Unwilling/Unable To Sign”, and she would have been left to her own devices and vibrators from there…
…this had zero chance of working. ZERO.
…but being drunk brings out the Democrat in some folks, and some things seem WAY funnier and WAYYY more plausible when your soused, as this gal amply proves…
What a sorry looking sack of shit.
I didn’t need to click
Thank you.
She doesn’t need the fire department, she needs the health department to fix that problem.
…and SURPRISE! Nobody was interested in putting out her fire.
I clicked on the link. I’d advise people not to.
I don’t even want to think what that might have smelt like.
we all have our needs …. I guess
@Bad Brad
I’m thinking it smelt like a dead smelt.
I like how the excuse was they were all drunk and didn’t notice her calling 911. LOL.
Told Ya
Half n Half
Onions & 8 Bell Whiskeys
For years in my youth I was searching
for a girl with her “Pussy on fire”…
Good thing I never found that SKANK.
Fire is the best way to get rid of crabs. Maybe she had a bad infestation and a lot of…..underbrush.
Tim Buktu
I was wondering if anybody would pick up on that. Lol
….Has to be a liberal dumb-shit.
Or….Hopefully, too damn dumb to vote.
You said ‘liberal dumb-shit’
Wasn’t that redundant?
Sorry. But I am cranky tonight.
I should just go to bed.
…she’d make a penetrating nozzle limp…
….sorry lady, we have the Jaws of Life, not the Tounge of Death…
Too much cowbell?…..
…there’s no “Hose for Hoes” program at this time, ma’am, please check back later…
…the thing she says is on fire must be Schrödinger’s pussy, no one is ever going to open up the container to see it, so it is dead and alive at the same time…
…it’s a poor fireman that would use his hose on something that is DEFINITELY not hot..
…I know how cops are around firemen, always an inferiority complex…the only reason they arrested this crazy broad is she wasn’t asking THEM for, eh, ‘service’…
You know, there really are some stories we don’t need to know about. This might be one of them. She must really be a fun drinking partner.
SNS-I wouldn’t touch that with your halligan tool.
…you were misinformed, ma’am, we carry PIKE poles, not DYKE poles…
MAY 6, 2020 AT 9:59 PM
“SNS-I wouldn’t touch that with your halligan tool”
…you can use a hooligan tool to break OUT as well as IN, @rr, just sayin’…
after blackout maybe,
but prolly not
…it’s a PICK head axe on the truck fender, not a DI…
…just to be clear, the truck’s “Hose Bed” is NOT meant as a double entendre…
Firefighters got a lot pickier when hot women started paying attention to them after 9/11.
20 years ago she would have had some takers even looking like that.
…y’know, “On Fire” is really NOT a great way to describe your genitalia, if you think about it…
Answerman Cooper
MAY 6, 2020 AT 10:06 PM
“20 years ago she would have had some takers even looking like that.”
…I started my fire service in the ’80s.
…no, she would NOT.
…even THEN, the uniform was a chick MAGNET.
…I still have the WIFE it attracted as PROOF…
^^^ Why haven’t I heard about this ’til now? LOL.
…the HazMat team would be called to THAT incident…
Not even I’d hit that!
If she’ll vote for me I’ll gladly grab a hold of my hose and spray her down.
Oh hey, that reminds me.
Slow Joe is the perfect example of Democrats actually doing what they accuse of Republicans of doing.
They falsely accused President Trump (MILST) of grabbing women by the pussy {his actual comment was that there are women who will let you do anything, especially if you are rich and famous – I’m not rich and famous and I know that there are women who will let you do that}.
What is Slow Joe Biden accused of?????????????????
Actually grabbing a woman by the pussy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Like a bowling ball with full finger insertion no less!!!!!!!!!
Where are all the pink pussy hats now???????
Where is the Million Vagina March on Delaware????????
…she’s doin’ it wrong…with HER looks, HER drinking habits, and HER demanding HER needs be serviced,she could EASILY be the Governor of a Blue state, then she’d have all the strapping State Troopers she could EVER want at her beck and call…
…where’s @huron in this? Pretty sure he was a FF brother in the Great White North, and maybe she’d have better luck if long, cold Canadian nights were involved…
With a Ton of makeup, perfect lighting and Hillary out for a 20 minute walk, Bill Clinton would do her.
^^^I think he likes ’em younger now.
WAY younger.
She’s 50, so at LEAST fourty YEARS younger…
Did somebody poke and stroke till their wrist got numb?
Just couldn’t do it?
Katrina’s a load of fun at parties, wedding receptions, family reunions, funerals.
you say you want some mora?
right here on the floora?
she seems nice….
I had just the opposite problem with Eleanor. I got frostbite in 1913 and again in 1915. You’d think it would take only once frozen stiff to learn my lesson. I was drunk on Valentine’s Day at Campobello the second time.
BTW, she only thawed out with Amelia Earhart.
Poor drunken slob thought the Icy Hot roll-on was her dildo…
I’d hit that
Several years ago when I volunteered for the local rescue squad, we took a call from a man who claimed, “my asshole is on fire.” No lie. No arrests. The man was obviously not right. We took him to the ER. Sometimes police need to use a bit more discretion in dealing with the public. Why threaten her with arrest before she was agitated? Maybe she did have an infection and needed medical assistance.
She meant to dial the exterminator
Like the song says “…let the mother****** burn.”
We had a woman here who was bombarded with energy weapons.
Another woman had meth-heads in her attic.
Just another day on the job – our Sheriff’s Office and Rescue guys put up with a lot – they usually talk em through it rather than arrest them – first rate people.
izlamo delenda est …
This story reminds me of a poker game my father and his poker pals would play. It think the game was invented by soldiers in WWII.
The actual name was “Fiery Cross”, with cards layed out in a cross. Of course, they had to call it “Fiery Crotch”.
Old soldiers – to be expected.
…just to clarify, if anyone’s wondering, I did NOT meet my wife because of a CALL!
I was introduced to her by her cousin as “My boyfriend’s firefighter best freind”, and she didn’t even SEE me in uniform until LATER in our relationship, when I saw her on Squad nights and such, and even went Code 3 a time or two in my POV with her in it.
…one time that was a bit awkward because it was a “Chimney Fire” call, and these didn’t USUALLY take very long, an extinguisher, some poking around in an attic, red tagging it until a professional chimeny sweep evaluated it, bada boom bada bing, 20-30 minutes and back to the House. I wanted to impress her with the way I could drive while my flashy lights pushed lesser beings aside, so off to the House we went…
…She couldn’t drive then (no, I wasn’t a cradle robber, her circumstances when I met her just didn’t support her having a car, so she simply didn’t get her license until a little later in life), but it was cold so I left her my keys so she could run the motor while I went out doing manly things with a manly crew.
…well, got there and ended up as nozzleman on an inside hose crew just as a breakout happened in the area the ceiling had been chipped away from by the first-in crew where they wrongly believed it was confined in the chimney at the time. It didn’t take a BUNCH of water and we put a good stop on it (the homeowner even thanked me later), but flowing ANY water increased the OFIRS reporting a hundredfold at the time, so that 5 seconds of masterful hose handling resulted in an hour of bureacratic blathersgate that had to be filled out ON SCENE, not to mention that we kinda wanted to make sure the fire was ACTUALLY out this time, so it was a pretty good bump in scene time while we carefully chipped away more house, inside and out, and went through a butt ton of State reportage as well, which is fun in fire gloves (it was STILL a cold day).
…about 45 minutes into the figurative “burn”, it dawned on me that my inamorta was still encamped in the passenger seat of my Buick Electra in the House parking lot, probably getting pretty bored and more than a LITTLE in need of a nice pee. I radioed back to the House, where happily someone was there that could let her in, so she wasn’t TOO pissed at me on return to quarters, but I walked around her a bit more in full turnout gear than I absoluely needed to just to be SURE…
…but as far as anyone romancing a PATIENT, that was STRICTLY verboten, unnecessarily so as far as I could see because you’d have to be a pretty sick individual to find ANYTHING about REAL emergencies “sexy”, and as far as I know, NO one started a relationship with anyone they met in a professional context. It just wasn’t done. Young man or NOT, you’re mentally in a different place when you’re called to duty, and the concept of romance is as foreign at such times as the concept of quantum fusion would be, it just is too far removed from the current paradigm to even be mentally entertained.
So in MY experience, had they ACTUALLY rolled any emergency vehicles outside of a PO’d PO, she would have gotten ZERO response, asked if she wanted transported to a hospital, maybe given an orientation test, then asked to sign a patient refusal, followed by a squad member putting P.U.T.S. in the signature line witnessed by LEO, for “Patient Unwilling/Unable To Sign”, and she would have been left to her own devices and vibrators from there…
…this had zero chance of working. ZERO.
…but being drunk brings out the Democrat in some folks, and some things seem WAY funnier and WAYYY more plausible when your soused, as this gal amply proves…
Alarm number 4, more hose!