Ohio’s ‘Toledo Blade’ [Which endorsed Obama twice] shaves Jobs – IOTW Report

Ohio’s ‘Toledo Blade’ [Which endorsed Obama twice] shaves Jobs

Big Journalism


Starting August 1, the left-wing Ohio newspaper, The Toledo Blade, intends to lay off about 130 of its unionized employees due to a permanent shutdown of its Toledo production center that handles printing and inserting.

Stephen B. Spolar, vice president of human resources and labor relations for Block Communications Inc., owner of The Blade, won’t say where the newspaper would be printed after the closure. This has led to speculation that The Blade might be in the process of moving to an online only operation.

In 2013, The Blade lost $8.5 million and has been losing millions for years. As of now there are no plans that will affect the advertising and news-gathering departments.

In 2012, The Toledo Blade urged it readers to re-elect President Obama, arguing in part that “He has dealt effectively with economic recession at home[.]”



4 Comments on Ohio’s ‘Toledo Blade’ [Which endorsed Obama twice] shaves Jobs

  1. You reap what you sow.

    In my line of work the amount of regulations and paper work have increased 10 fold. I happen to be on the sales end so the work structure for me is I make less on every deal and have to memorize new guidelines that change on the whim of some bureaucrat. However, my support team is feeling the true blow of all the forms, double forms and red tape. I used to feel sorry for them. They are Obamabots but when they have to stay at the office until 9:30 at night and be back at 8:30 am I was ‘feeling their pain’.

    When Romney vowed to repeal “Dodd Frank” I thought for sure the Obamabots would like to go back to the way things used to be. ….. WRONG! Now when I see them working late at night to fill out all the forms or staying late to get the forms filled out in the window of time that they have due to Frank Dod I think- “screw them- they voted on it and now they can choke on it”. The very funny thing for them is only of 1 3rd of Frank Dodd has been implemented. My industry is going to be hip deep in Fed Regulations and those progtards brought it upon themselves.

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