OIG Report: More Than 100 Veterans Died While Waiting for Care at Los Angeles VA – IOTW Report

OIG Report: More Than 100 Veterans Died While Waiting for Care at Los Angeles VA


WFB: More than 100 veterans died while waiting for care at a Veterans Affairs hospital in Los Angeles, Calif., over a nine-month span ending in August 2015, according to a new government report.

The VA Office of Inspector General found in a recent healthcare inspection that 225 veterans at the VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System facility died with open or pending consults between Oct. 1, 2015 and Aug. 9, 2015. Nearly half—117—of those patients died while experiencing delays in receiving care.

The inspector general reported that 43 percent of the 371 consults scheduled for patients who ended up dying were not timely because of a failure by VA employees to follow proper procedure. The report was unable to substantiate claims that patients died as a result of the delayed consults.

Concerned Veterans for America, a D.C.-based nonprofit, cited the OIG findings as evidence that problems persist at the Department of Veterans Affairs despite a series of legislative reforms implemented after the 2014 wait time scandal in Phoenix, Ariz.  more here

6 Comments on OIG Report: More Than 100 Veterans Died While Waiting for Care at Los Angeles VA

  1. Yet Congress wants to make sure those who contribute nothing towards our Nation receive proper healthcare.

    The VA is government’s view of proper socialized healthcare.

    Of course Congress is exempt from their healthcare debacle and has a Cadillac health care system provided by taxpayers, while our Veterans die in the waiting rooms of the VA.

    I’ve written to Senators and Congressmen, in return I get “Thank you for sharing your concerns”, platitudes, a bullshit form letter signed by an autopen and just how damn important I am by sharing my thoughts that they ignore.
    This pisses me off.

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