‘Oikosphobia’ is not the Fear of Mass-market Greek Yogurt – IOTW Report

‘Oikosphobia’ is not the Fear of Mass-market Greek Yogurt

Diogenes’ Middle Finger:

As history has pointed out many times, that when the freest and most prosperous societies for their times reach the peak of egalitarianism, something strange happens. The most comfortable and privileged members of  free and prosperous society develop a hatred of their own people and home. Sound familiar??

Benedict Beckeld, a Swedish PhD in Philosophy has written about this combination of insanity, stupidity and self-hatred that is sometimes called Oikophobia.’ In 2004 philosopher Roger Scruton described Oikophobia as, “the felt need to denigrate the customs, culture and institutions that are identifiable ‘ours’”. Part of this has to do with a need by many to feel superior to others. more here

13 Comments on ‘Oikosphobia’ is not the Fear of Mass-market Greek Yogurt

  1. I think it’s partly the need to feel superior, but mostly the need to feel significant. If you have an imaginary boogeyman to fight against, the your life now has meaning and a purpose. If one believes all we are is evolved pond scum, there is nothing transcendent to pursue. This becomes your substitute. It’s a bunch of hopeless people stumbling around to try and find hope.

  2. …the Lord knocked everyone down a peg when they got so full of themselves that they thought they could build the Tower of Babel to reach Heaven without Him.

    It’s like that.

    Pride goes before a fall…

    “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.”
    Proverbs 16:18

  3. The condition has a fertile medium to take seed in the typical democrat brain. Self absorbed, sanctimonious, impulsive and smug.

    It can’t be cured, no amount of reason will penetrate, it can only be contained.

  4. Affluence begets complacency.
    Complacency begets self-hate.
    Self-hate begets dissolution.
    Dissolution begets ruin.
    Ruin begets struggle.
    Struggle begets affluence.

    And so it goes … since the foundations of Ur were laid.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. “The most comfortable and privileged members of free and prosperous society develop a hatred of their own people and home.”

    manipulation of maya
    People have become so susceptible to reinforced suggestion, that they are being led to believe that how ‘privileged members’ _are_ is how, or why, they become privileged. They mimic that behavior in belief that they will themselves become privileged, if they act in a similar manner.

  6. The article is fine until the last paragraph when the author uses the word “oikiphilia” which he did not use prior nor gave a definition. One is left to interpret the confusing way it is used.

  7. This disease, Oikophobia, has been caused by watching the news and attending university’s.
    Note: “Oikophobia” is not in Miriam or Webster’s dictionary. Not that either of them wrote to book on language.

  8. Freudian pychobabble, but it works as description…

    “Destrudo is the opposite of libido—the urge to create, an energy that arises from the Eros (or “life”) drive—and is the urge to destroy arising from Thanatos (“death”), and thus an aspect of what Sigmund Freud termed ‘the aggressive instincts, whose aim is destruction.’

    “Weiss related aggression/destrudo to secondary narcissism, something generally only described in terms of the libido turning towards the self.”

    Sound familiar?

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