Oil and gas company has a grouse with Canada’s environmental restrictions – IOTW Report

Oil and gas company has a grouse with Canada’s environmental restrictions

Yahoo: CALGARY – A junior oil and gas company in Calgary is blaming an order aimed at protecting a rare Prairie bird for its insolvency.

LGX Oil + Gas (TSX:LGX) says its daily operations and drilling plans were significantly disrupted when an emergency order under the federal Species At Risk Act took effect in February 2014 to protect the greater sage-grouse.

The company’s Manyberries oilfields in Alberta were subject to that order.

In its order, Environment Canada restricts noise on 1,700 square kilometres of provincial and federal lands in southern Alberta and Saskatchewan during April and May — the spring mating season for the grouse — and places limits on the construction of roads and fences.

In December, LGX announced it had filed a lawsuit against the federal government seeking $60 million in compensation over the order.  MORE

3 Comments on Oil and gas company has a grouse with Canada’s environmental restrictions

  1. The envirochimps who get that kind of legislation and regulation forced down everybody else’s throats – and bank accounts – should pick up the tab for the protection of their little furry or feathered friends. I really don’t care all that much for saving the grouse except that they are interesting eating from time to time.

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