O’Keefe Media Group: Transgender Secretary of Defense Employee Argues For Open Borders, Repealing Second Amendment – IOTW Report

O’Keefe Media Group: Transgender Secretary of Defense Employee Argues For Open Borders, Repealing Second Amendment

GP: O’Keefe Media Group released a video of a transgender Secretary of Defense employee who argued for open borders, repealing the Second Amendment, abolishing the Electoral College.

Jason Beck, Associate Director in the Office of the Secretary of Defense said, “Why not just have an open border?” “Tear down the wall.”

Beck said the National Guard should be mobilized to help confiscate firearms. more

17 Comments on O’Keefe Media Group: Transgender Secretary of Defense Employee Argues For Open Borders, Repealing Second Amendment

  1. As stupid as having open borders is, is even stupider to have open borders with no 2nd amendment! Some people are so dangerous to have in positions power and policy they should be put down before anyone implements their ideas.

  2. O’Keefe portrays a great faggot. Great enough to fool a real faggot. I laughed my ass off when O’Keefe asked him to untie his apron and the guy got all turned-on over it.

    These fucking people need to be charged with treason and sedition, found guilty and fucking shot in public.

  3. Apparently my attraction to females would have kept me from ever getting a job in government.

    This Secretary of Defense employee appears to have the personality of a Dicktaster.

  4. Tsunami – your suggestion is WAY TOO NICE. Hand-cranked wood chippers, feet first, pay-per-view to help pay off the national debt, and their victims all get a turn at the crank.

  5. Okay; I’ve mentioned this before, it bears repeating, and we should all spread this gospel: None of the first ten amendments the the Constitution of These United States, collectively known as The Bill of Rights is subject to repeal. Not one of them. Ever.

    Notice that there are ten of them? Like the Commandments carried down from from Mount Sinai by Mosses. That is not a coincidence; They are eternal. They recognize the God-given rights of all men, but are enshrined by law onto all Americans.

    Any politician who ever suggests repeal or restriction of any portion of the Bill of Rights should be hanged as a traitor.

  6. This – and the fact that West Point just ditched their loyalty oath – should scare the shit out of everyone, because our military will be coming for us, not foreigners.

  7. “So O’Keefe goes on gay political dating sites to find these sorry f**ks??” Doing a yeoman’s job too! God bless James O’Keefe.
    FJB (can be used interchangeably for bidet or beck)


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