Oklahoma Lawmaker Files Bill to Establish Bigfoot Hunting Season – IOTW Report

Oklahoma Lawmaker Files Bill to Establish Bigfoot Hunting Season

Oooh, you know what? I’m gonna keep my mouth shut. 😂

Coast to Coast: A member of the Oklahoma House of Representatives has filed a bill that calls for the establishment of a Bigfoot hunting season in the state. The audacious idea is reportedly the brainchild of Rep. Justin Humphrey, who reportedly put forward the proposal on Wednesday. The fairly succinct resolution, which can be read here, states that “The Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission shall promulgate rules establishing a big foot [sic] hunting season. The Commission shall set annual season dates and create any necessary specific hunting licenses and fees.” more

22 Comments on Oklahoma Lawmaker Files Bill to Establish Bigfoot Hunting Season

  1. I am not completely convinced this isn’t a Bee of Oyster story, but it is possibly true. I tried to verify it, but other references I found say it was introduced on February 1, 2021. Again, I am not saying this story isn’t a setup, but my attempts at verification are inconclusive.
    That was me doing my best impression of fact-checker. I have been taking lessons from snopes and various “news” organization fact checks.

  2. Anonymous – no Ford, Coke, or Bud commercials? I guess there is no reason for me to watch. Wait a minute, I haven’t watched it for a few years. Nothing to see here, move along.

  3. They should establish a season for extraterrestrials and unicorns while they’re at it. Maybe a general license for imaginary critters with separate seasons, tags, rules and regulations for each one.

  4. I remember many moons ago 🙂 kinfolk in the South Eastern part of Oklahoma (Choctaw) told stories about a creature in the woods, I can’t remember the name they used for it but I always chocked it up to fear factor to keep their hunting grounds free of outsiders.

  5. Now the Oakies can change their states name to
    “New Patagonia”. (For those not aware of it)
    The SA country of “Patagonia” has a name that
    translates to “Land of the Big Feet”.

  6. Well, why not?
    If the usurper Biden can pretend, with the acquiescence of the “news” media and the government, to have been selected Presidunce, why can’t Oklahoma pretend to have a Bigfoot infestation?

    Between COVID, Globaloney Climate Change, and the Biden usurpation, we’re living in a Universe of mendacity – one more can’t hurt. In fact, this one is the least harmful.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. This is true, but what my fellow Okies are telling me is that it’s a funding scheme, to get dumb people to come pay money to hunt bigfoot.

    I think it’s stupid, but whatever I guess. Thankfully, we have others in legislature that are introducing bills to strip mayors and others from forcing mask mandates, vaccines, limits on number of customers for businesses, 2 A sanctuary state, among other good bills.

  8. C’mon who does NOT WANT TO have a beer, or something heavier, with this guy?!

    And heck, ‘ya gotta believe in something or you’ll fall for ‘anything’…

    And while I’m at it, might as well come out of the ‘Bigfoot closet’…it started with that In Search of series with Leonard Nimoy.

    Yeah, WE BELIEVE.

    What? It’s fun…

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