Oklahoma Male Beats 15 Year Old Female In Girls Bathroom – IOTW Report

Oklahoma Male Beats 15 Year Old Female In Girls Bathroom

Pacific Pundit

If you think the trans issue is limited to blue shit hole states like California or New York, think again. The trans thing for grooming kids is all over the country, even in red states like Oklahoma. A 15 year old girl was beaten, severely by a 17 year old transgender thug in a girls bathroom at an Edmonds, Oklahoma High School. MORE

15 Comments on Oklahoma Male Beats 15 Year Old Female In Girls Bathroom

  1. Too bad the lawsuit doesn’t target *everyone* working for school administration that allowed violation of the law and violation of sanity.

    Unfortunately it’s the taxpayers that will shoulder the burden, and likely the degenerates in charge will remain…


  2. Anyone who cast so much as a single vote for ANY Democrat in the last three years supports this and wants more of it. It has been that obvious what Democrats support and ALL of them support this unless they actively oppose every bit of it and if there has been even one it is a well kept secret.

  3. The Oklohoma state law is flawed: it left a loophole big enough you could drive a wienermobile through it. Repeatedly.

    The law says that people must use bathrooms that correspond to the sex on their birth certificates, but birth certificates aren’t required for students enrolling at a school. This makes it possible for a groomer indoctrinator bureaucrat to claim that when some kid enrolled, he looked like a girl, spoke like a girl, acted like a girl, dressed like a girl, and called himself Loretta, and the school then had no reason to think he might be a boy.

    “We didn’t notice the Adam’s apple and mustache.”

  4. “We didn’t notice the Adam’s apple and mustache.”

    If it has an Adam’s Apple, it also has a banana!
    They may not know what a woman is, but everybody know what a woman-hating, sick, twisted, POS pervert wearing a woman’s costume is!!

  5. Anon,
    Nah. Maybe it’s time for a shitload of freaks, deviants, groomers, and enablers to invade the homes of the school board, administration, LibTard teachers, and enablers.

    Other then that, it’s time for that yute to be dragged out of wherever “he’s” hiding, by his “banana”, and have his “banana” “harvested”…forceably and painfully. Wanna be a girly girl? Well, then we’ll MAKE you a girly girl, like it or not.

  6. Edmond one of the top 5 leftist cities in Oklahoma.
    Uncle Al, I will have to check into it, but when my kids were in school, you had to provide a copy of their birth certificate to enroll and that stayed in their file and when they moved schools, their file was to go to the next school. My kids went to a little country school that only went up to 8th grade, when my oldest went to HS, the school had lost the copy of her BC and I had to provide them another copy.

    The state has tried to stop all of this bs and the schools have fought them tooth and nail, but any public school whether in a red state or blue state today is nothing but a leftist shit hole. If people cared about their kids they would figure out how to preferably home school them, because many private schools are full of leftist teachers as well, but still a private school is better than a public school.

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