Oklahoma Man Napping In The Middle of River Mistaken For a Dead Body – IOTW Report

Oklahoma Man Napping In The Middle of River Mistaken For a Dead Body

Unofficial Networks: Can’t a man just sleep fully clothed in the middle of a flowing river in peace anymore? Or does some worry-wart Karen have to call search and rescue crews every time it happens.? Jeez. I just can’t with 2021 anymore…

In all seriousness, I would have thought this was a dead body too. I mean how often do you seen a person in jeans and a t-shirt laying face up in the middle of a river bed that isn’t dead?

My guess is that the search and rescue crew guys were probably somewhat pissed that this dude decided to take a snooze there. I’m also just going to make the assumption that this dude was drunk off his rocker. more

11 Comments on Oklahoma Man Napping In The Middle of River Mistaken For a Dead Body

  1. How about some old common sense. Face up first clue, don’t assume anything. Face down different story, that’s how dead body’s usually flow. So yea fuck off, snowflakes.

  2. When I was about 6 I went to the big city pool with my family, probably a hundred people in the pool, maximum depth 5 feet. There was a big top in the middle which you could climb onto, but it was crowded and I kept getting pushed off. I was getting a little tired, but I wanted to stay out there. So I took a breath and let myself drift to the bottom of the pool, push off, hang at the surface a while, drift down, push off… Suddenly I am grabbed by a lifeguard and dragged to the side. They didn’t approve of my methods. Gave me a 10-minute penalty box and then let me go back, with the caveat that I wouldn’t sink to the bottom anymore.

  3. Pretty simple test for deadness with minimal contact. It’s called a sternal rub.

    You pop your middle finger knuckle out and rub it in the center of the guy’s chest. You just about HAVE to be dead to not react to that. Drunks, druggies, brain damaged, diabetic emergencies, whatever, will react to it to some degree even if they don’t/can’t wake up to it, with what’s called “guarding” if nothing else, because it’s very painful but also harmless.

    Keep in mind as I’ve said before, though. Not everyone who’s drugged/drunk/passed out WANTS to be woke up.

    Some of ’em come up punching.

    …so if you DO this to anyone, whether it’s a guy in the middle of a river or the spouse sleeping beside you that you want to spend the rest of the night arguing with, that they MIGHT just get up and start swinging on you, and sometimes don’t even go through the formalities of getting UP to start swinging and kicking at you, so be VERY aware of where the arms and legs are and be ready to pull back immediately if you ever DO this, if you don’t, YOU may end up lying face-DOWN in the middle of the river immediately afterwards and your assailant may not be as interested in your personal welfare as you were his…


    …there’s other methods, but this is the easiest one to pull away from. Used in combination with Naloxone (Narcan), it can wake an opiod addict up.

    And boy, won’t he be pissed…


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