Oklahoma murder conviction tossed after judge found to be having affair with prosecutor – IOTW Report

Oklahoma murder conviction tossed after judge found to be having affair with prosecutor


An Oklahoma man’s murder conviction has been overturned after it was discovered that the county judge who presided over the trial was having a sexual relationship with one of the prosecutors.

Robert Hashagen III was convicted in February of murdering 94-year-old Evelyn Goodall in 2013.

But now that conviction has been tossed after former Oklahoma County District Judge Tim Henderson admitted to having a sexual relationship with a district attorney in his office who helped prosecute the case, FOX25 Oklahoma City reported. MORE

9 Comments on Oklahoma murder conviction tossed after judge found to be having affair with prosecutor

  1. On more than one occasion I’ve exclaimed, “Fuck that dirty prosecutor!” This isn’t what I had in mind, though.

    Let the (bad) jokes begin!

    Did he meet her at the bar?
    I heard he really liked her briefs.
    I heard she said he was prone to a rush to judgment.

  2. The only relevant question is: Did the murderer commit the murder?

    It should be fairly common knowledge that judges are slime balls.
    They are culled from the herd of lawyers, so they cannot be otherwise (similarly the prosecutors).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The prosecutor claimed the judge “sexually abused her”… What is she, 12 years old? She fucked him literally when she figured it would help her career. Now she’s fucking him figuratively to save her own career, which is likely in the toilet anyway. The judge is a dumb fuck too.

  4. Who keeps working at a job where you are being “sexually harassed “? These are supposedly professional women with other career options. And they are in the legal business, so should know how to file a complaint. Who are they kidding.


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