Old Man Strength – IOTW Report

Old Man Strength

Why did his dumb ass keep coming back? 😂😂😂

h/t Brad.

25 Comments on Old Man Strength

  1. The best part was the non-reaction after the slap, like,”Dorothy, is that all you got? I’ve been licked harder by my cocker spaniel, pussy”.

    Of course, the advice still stands, if at all possible, walk away. There is only one good outcome and about four bad ones.

    Reminds me of a classic several years ago, don’t mess with Vietnam vets;

    ht tps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKwwB9P_0PQ

  2. The seasoned senior citizen looks to have played hockey before. He grabbed the imps jersey, controlled him, and rained hell down from the right hand…..

  3. Well you gotta hand it to the young guy, he blocked every single punch. With his face.
    This is what you get when the public school systems raise your boys like girls.

  4. Reminds me of the 70 yo Viet Nam vet who beat the crap out of 2 thugs harassing him on a Bay Area transit bus. He leveled them, made national news and T-shirts were made with his pic and the word Bad-Ass. I love stories this like!

  5. Heard about a junkie using a tire iron to mug an old man, who had been a practicing Mason since he was 13 years old. Schlepping hundred-weights of bricks up two, three stories can make one awfully strong. Junkie broke the old man’s right arm, so the old man beat the snot out of the junkie with his weaker left arm.

  6. Two Vietnam Veterans on my block – brothers who live in the same house and sometimes have noisy arguments. A neighbor called the cops once in the summertime while the brothers were in the backyard and getting very loud. When the cops arrived and heard some of their ruckus the cop asked what the fuss was all about ? The guys just told the cops that they didn’t realize how loud they’d been and sorted it out with that neighbor the next day . Love those Veterans and have witnessed their gentle and peacekeeping ways so many times over the years. It’s always Veterans day at our little house.

  7. Years ago a friend of mine stopped in, said he had a bunch of whiskey and wanted to box.
    I taught him why you shouldn’t drink and fight.
    It was great fun.


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