Olympic Updates With Diogenes – IOTW Report

Olympic Updates With Diogenes

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: BULLETIN 2/10 – For those of you who don’t do Twitter, maybe just don’t have time to stay caught up on the latest from the Winter Olympic games, or like many of us who just don’t want to listen to NBC coverage and the annoying voice of bubble head Katie Couric drone on in painful detail about some heroic human interest stories like a part Mandarin, part Nigerian athlete with 25 brothers and sisters, who overcame a debilitating childhood disease like infantile toe fungus to become the greatest 400 meter Ice Hurdler of all time and a hero to people of color the world over! Or maybe you just don’t want to see space alien looking Tara Lipinski and her freakish flaming gay side-kick who acts like he dropped acid and raided Cindy Crawford’s makeup kit and dresses like he broke into the Liberace Museum as they do their snarky commentary on ice dancing.  If you are one of those people, we are here for You!! 

In the spirit of sportsmanship, togetherness, world peace  and all that other stuff we hear so much about at this time, we at DMF will bring together all the best Olympic news in one place including periodic updates from the Korean games via one of the Far East most notable News sources and leading sports authorities on the Korean Peninsula (a favorite of Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un) The DPRK News Service ,direct from Pyongyang North Korea.    Keep reading

14 Comments on Olympic Updates With Diogenes

  1. If anybody produces a Winter Olympic video with all the stuff that isn’t actual athletic competition action, meaning WITHOUT all the crap commentary, inhuman interest, and govt propaganda disguised as travelogue, please let me know and include a link.

    Note, please, that I said athletic competition. Ice dancing, freestyle snowboarding, and the like, are aesthetic (maybe) but not athletic.

  2. I watched some of the skating last night, very entertaining but that’s all they showed. And maybe 20% sports, the rest talk and commercials. I finally set the Tivo to record all of it. I will fast-forward through most just to catch the few things I care about.
    Also, weird to watch the Russians who are sort of competing but not under their flag. And if they win the Olympic anthem gets played. Kinda bizarre.

  3. I simply can’t deal with all of the sanctimonious bullshit commercials.
    All of the straw-men arguments.
    All of the “they said I would never…horseshit”
    All of the rhetorical “America is full of haters” crap.
    Proctor & Gamble can kiss my ass.

  4. Just when I thought I didn’t have to hear Bob Costyou talking now you tell me Hate-Me por-age is there.

    Nope not interested, thank you.

    Not gonna do’it.

  5. WOMEN! BLACKS! GAYS! (Oh, and some white guys), but WOMEN! BLACKS! GAYS! WOOHOO!
    After watching the coverage from NBC, I’m almost rooting for any athlete other than the U.S.
    And after seeing a vomit inducing Tide commercial, I will never buy another P&G product again.

  6. I’m back from watching some more. Less than 5% is watchable, and today that 5% has been thrill rides like cross-country skiing and distance ice skating. How about some skiing, some aerial stuff? I guess the winds are making that difficult.
    At least more curling!!! 🙂

  7. I’m with LCD. It is pretty much unwatchable. Except for curling and the luge. With the luge, you can just grab a spectator, slap a helmet on him and he can be screaming “I don’t wanta” all the way down and wosh! World Champion!

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