Olympics: Belgian athlete tests positive for ‘rona and is stuffed away in quarantine center – IOTW Report

Olympics: Belgian athlete tests positive for ‘rona and is stuffed away in quarantine center

h/t The NPC Show

25-year-old Olympic Belgian racer releases tearful video after being thrown in a Communist China COVID quarantine center after testing positive. WATCH

16 Comments on Olympics: Belgian athlete tests positive for ‘rona and is stuffed away in quarantine center

  1. What dis she think would happen?
    What did her government think would happen?
    What did the UN, WHO, IOC, NATO think would happen?


    …And I do Not Care that Russia wants to Take back the OIL & GAS that HUNTER & JOE thought was theirs to steal!

  2. Let’s see here: Would you rather spend 10 days in quarantine (prison), sick, eating tainted crappy food, and treated like a prisoner (try to leave), or

    Would you rather be the athlete who gave up their US citizenship to compete for the communist, only to fall twice and disgrace your new found country of residence. You also disgraced your parents and former country as well. I hate to look at it this way, but if there were ever a reason to kill myself, this IMHO would be it. What future after screwing up does one have in a commie country?

    I’ll take the first option above, I know there’s an ending in 10 days instead of for the rest of my life. Going to China any time is a bad idea. I’ve been there!

  3. At GoldenFoxx—assuming you’re referring to the Chinese women’s skater who has the blessing and benefit of living in USA (California tho), I had similar attitude. F her competing for CCP while enjoying living in a somewhat free country & I cheered when she fell!

  4. erb,

    The chYnezze are ripping that kid on TicTok.

    She will have plenty of content for when she comes back to the States for the Talk Show Victim Olympics for months.

  5. These top tier athletes have no idea the true risk of being in a communist nation. They are subjected to any conditions or restrictions the CCP desires. This year’s Winter Olympics would probably have been banned by The United States if Pres. Trump was still in control.

    No gold medal is worth losing your freedom, (Wait for the next Winter Olympics – hopefully not in Russia.)
    China can quarantine anyone for any reason indefinitely.

    If Covid is not the only global political boogey man, the CCP can always create a new one. Any excuse to persecution and attempt to conquer the Western alliance.


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