Omar Admits to Embellishing Story of “Injustice” She Told to High School Students – IOTW Report

Omar Admits to Embellishing Story of “Injustice” She Told to High School Students


Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D) admitted she may have embellished some facts during a recent speech to high school students where she recalled a story about racism in the justice system.

The Washington Post reports that Omar was speaking to Richfield High School students when she told a story about her time as a Minneapolis councilwoman:

“…she recalled encountering a ‘sweet, old . . . African American lady’ who had been arrested for stealing a $2 loaf of bread to feed her ‘starving 5-year-old granddaughter.’

After spending the weekend in jail, the woman was led into the courtroom and fined $80 — a penalty she couldn’t pay. ‘I couldn’t control my emotions,’ Omar continued, ‘because I couldn’t understand how a roomful of educated adults could do something so unjust.’

‘Bulls—!’ she recalled yelling in the courtroom.”


10 Comments on Omar Admits to Embellishing Story of “Injustice” She Told to High School Students

  1. “Omar said. “I’m not sure. . . . The details might not have all matched, but that’s what I remember.””

    Ah ….. displaying the magic of a mutating mind at work.

  2. From the article:

    “City officials said that police aren’t allowed to arrest people for shoplifting unless there’s a likelihood of violence or further crime.”

    What kind of bunk is that???

    Police can’t arrest someone for stealing from a store? Ever? What if it’s a large value?

    I don’t want to live in a community that allows people to steal from stores at will and hamstrings the police like that…

  3. She’s not “embellishing” or “flubbing some facts” she’s lying. Just like she was lying about her husband/brother (I wonder if they consummated the marriage) and most of her campaign rhetoric.

  4. That is a non-person…a Trojan Horse planted within the Government to bring about the fall of America from within…along side Ay-ock and Tlabia.

    Wake up America; you’re going to die in your sleep.


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