Omar Compares Migrant Shelters to Dungeons Used in African Slave Trade – IOTW Report

Omar Compares Migrant Shelters to Dungeons Used in African Slave Trade

Well, she should know. It was her people who sold them to the Europeans. And it’s her people who are still in the slavery business.


Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) compared migrant shelters in the U.S. to dungeons used during the African slave trade, according to a video that surfaced Saturday evening. read more

22 Comments on Omar Compares Migrant Shelters to Dungeons Used in African Slave Trade

  1. What kills me is the kid gloves treatment interviewers give her.

    The (Spit In The) Face of the Nation bitch just let her spout her BS uncontested the whole time. No tough questions. A real Gayle and Oprah affair.

    The most non-adversarial Republican goes on and it’s the Spanish Inquisition. This noxious twat goes on and it’s high tea.

  2. Cliche Guevara – I think it makes sense to look at it from the standpoint that these democRATs are the well choreographed actors and the Media gives them the stage and script for them to perform with. What you don’t see are the strings and who is pulling them!

  3. I just finished reading an excellent article at American Renaissance about the inevitability of a French civil war against the vagaries of uncontrolled migration by muslim; the unjust treatment given native, white French people in protecting those who are living, for the most part, on the backs of French taxpayers and the rest of the citizens of the EU, while the invaders call for the murder of their host citizens.

    Well worth a read: “Preparing for the Decisive Struggle”

    Note: the French author, Guillaume Faye, who is the subject of the essay and quoted within it starts, according to the piece, from the premise that “..ethnic homogeneity is the condition for civil peace and prosperity.”

    I’m not sure that has been thoroughly tested here in the United States. It seems we were just getting to the point of a genuine and natural meritocracy, including American blacks, Hispanics, Asians and other minorities, when oblowme was elected and derailed the whole process. Until we get that point again, we’ll not if ethnic homogeneity is necessary or not. I want to think not, given the fair-mindedness of American conservatives, in general.

  4. @AA: 10K ^s!!

    BTW and FWIW, Mark Levin’s book “Unfreedom of The Press” ‘splains a lot of this while not (at least as far as I’ve gotten so far) directly addressing the musloid scum invasion

  5. AA – On you last paragraph, absolutely! After this nation elected the first Black President I noticed a sharp spike in everything racist. It was then that I started saying: “If the concept of racism vaporized off the face of the planet today, there would a helluva lot people out of a job tomorrow!”
    The Left is heavily invested in racism, chaos, confusion and division and they got a leg up on it with Revrum Wright´s “God-Damn America” maladroit, fundamentally-transforming Marxist Muzlim Mallard!

  6. forcibly and TRF — Thanks and, yes, I think there was a very clear bifurcation when oblowme got into office (actually as he was running for the office). Suddenly, from a population making up only about 12% of the U.S., we started frequently seeing a forced representation of at least 50% on ALL media. I noticed the sharp change on tee vee commercials, for sure. On top of which we began seeing the ridiculously obvious shift to “white person dumb/black person wise and astute”. Then all the universities and school districts opened “diversity” offices and hired expensive radicals to run them. Oblowme put all the race hustlers in charge of official WH programs to promote their racist agendas, black people in charge of the DoJ to promote their racist agendas, and oblowme kept banging the drum of “America is fundamentally a racist country.” Then Trayvon Martin, “Black Lives Matter”, that other black guy who died in police custody, no proper prosecution of hoax hate crimes and so on. The only thing straight up about the guy is his unvarnished racism and his love for Islam.

    This country didn’t stand a chance with oblowme and his three dozen “czars” and his “advisors” and the media pushing that message! That’s how you start a race war and he knew it.

  7. Did the Africans volunteer for em?
    Like the fucking illegal-alien invading rat-people?

    I don’t give a fuck.
    See how that works?

    I fucking don’t give a fuck!

    INVADE my home and then BITCH about the conditions and treatment?
    You gotta be fuckin kidding!

    Are we all brain-dead morons to (supposedly) feel remorse over this?

    izlamo delenda est …

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