Omar gets smacked down on Twitter by huge number of Venezuelan ‘women of color’ – IOTW Report

Omar gets smacked down on Twitter by huge number of Venezuelan ‘women of color’

AT: Always just one tweet away from playing the victim card, as a Twitterer noted, Rep. Ilhan Omar made an unexpectedly unfortunate allusion to ‘women of color’ being put down as she sought to bite back at Vice President Mike Pence, who criticized her ignorance on Venezuela.

According to The Hill:

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) fired back on Friday after Vice President Pence said she “doesn’t know what she’s talking about” regarding the ongoing conflict in Venezuela.

Omar took to Twitter to say that Pence’s criticism is something “women of color have heard” before.

“Instead of ‘we disagree,’ it’s ‘she doesn’t know what she’s talking about,'” Omar wrote. ‘They have to make us feel small.”

“This from an Administration that thinks climate change is a Chinese hoax,” she added.

As they say in the tweet world, that didn’t age well.
Omar was then rapidly inundated by angry Venezuelans inside Venezuela, including a helluva lot of Venezuelan women of color, who said yes, indeed, Omar did not know what she was talking about, and it had nothing to do with her color.
Here are just a few, but there’s a whole string of angry reply tweets from Venezuelans, and if you want, you can check them out.

10 Comments on Omar gets smacked down on Twitter by huge number of Venezuelan ‘women of color’

  1. She always plays the race card after making a baseless assertion. If your statement has merit then simply present an argument. Use facts and examples and logic to make your point. Then listen to the response and try to understand the opposite view. It’s a Western Civilization thing called debate. Not a hot item in Africa I guess.

  2. Clearly, the obedient running dogs of imperialist, capitalist warmongers were ordered onto Twitter to attack the innocent truth-telling Muslima. That is the only possible explanation.

  3. I’m so tired of this ‘women of color’ shit.
    To a black woman, a white woman is a different woman of color.
    Everybody has got a color. The Maltese, the Peruvians, the Eskimos and the Norwegians. All of us.
    Just STFU already.

    As always, Omar is a brother-marrying, inbred sack of shit.

  4. I remember when “Ugly American” meant jingoistic white American boors in Bermuda shorts behaving badly in foreign countries. Apparently, it now means unpatriotic colored American boors in headrags behaving badly in America.

  5. I love how they say the muslim quizzing got “smacked down” on Twitter. That’s really rich. She got 90K+ likes alone and the oposition got what maybe a 1000 total retweets (so far). 90K to 1K not great odds but better than nothing I guess. We are losing the battles on multiple fronts

  6. This scrunt represents islam………. need I elaborate?
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell


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