Omar the ungrateful – IOTW Report

Omar the ungrateful

AT: After defending Rep. Ilhan Omar on credible and repeated accusations of Jew-hatred, Democrats were floored to see Omar return the favor by charging back at them, blasting President Obama for being a killer with “a pretty face,” ultimately not at all different from, horrors, President Trump.

Here’s what she told Politico:

Omar says the “hope and change” offered by Barack Obama was a mirage.  Recalling the “caging of kids” at the U.S.-Mexico border and the “droning of countries around the world” on Obama’s watch, she argues that the Democratic president operated within the same fundamentally broken framework as his Republican successor.

“We can’t be only upset with Trump[.] … His policies are bad, but many of the people who came before him also had really bad policies.  They just were more polished than he was,” Omar says.  “And that’s not what we should be looking for anymore.  We don’t want anybody to get away with murder because they are polished.  We want to recognize the actual policies that are behind the pretty face and the smile.”

Where the heck did that blow in from?  MORE

19 Comments on Omar the ungrateful

  1. Own it!

    I have said that Constitutional conservatives totally and unequivocally disowned David Duke and that this made the eRepublicans fall in line. The Democrat Party is the Party of this shit and they cannot disown it w/o having lost their base.

    Own it bitches.

  2. Rep. Omar got exactly what she wanted in the end. Absolutely no recriminations for her antisemitism and the House passed a resolution condemning islamophobia. What incentive does she have for showing respect? She owns the Democrats now.

  3. They’re either going to turn the party over to
    wackos like her and T-labe and Out-of-Context,
    The elders defending their supposedly well-earned power
    will find a way to eliminate them.

    This is what the smellocrats have spawned
    Out of control extremist wackoism
    And they WILL NOT let up

    They cannot be marginalized
    They can only eliminated

    And the career leftist jerks don’t even realize


    How incredibly stupid

    How utterly surreal.

  4. Whenever a gift is given that is unearned, it is always unappreciated and results in resentment towards the giver.
    She has “unearned” citizenship (both for her and her brother-spouse)… They don’t appreciate it and never will. They will continue to piss on America and all true Americans.

  5. …are you GETTING it yet, Democrats?!?

    Muslims are NOT your friends.
    Muslums are NOT here to help you.
    Muslims are NOT here to govern.
    Muslims are NOT here to play your games

    Muslims are here to disrupt and destroy the Government…ANY Government…so they can advance the Caliphate of A!!ah.

    As Mohammad commands.

    Any Muslim that tells you DIFFERENT is either a bad Muslim or a good liar.

    They WILL use you, Democrats, but only to the extent it advances Islam.

    They will use YOU to push THEIR goals, like pedophilia, dhimmi taxes, persecution of anyone who tells the truth about Islam.

    They will use you to tell lies favorable to Islam.

    They will use you to destroy US.

    Then, they will hang YOU, burn YOU, stone YOU, and throw YOU off of buildings.

    As Mohammad commands.

    These Muslim chicks are evil, true, but like Cortez, they are revealing the TRUE agenda.

    And you’re STILL too steeped in your OWN evil to see it, or stop it.

    …sooner or later, libs, WE will have to deal with them. My one wish, though, is that they destroy YOU before we are forced to destroy THEM.

    We may not kill you, Democrats…but we DON’T have to SAVE you.

    Enjoy your demise, you’ve earned it…

  6. omar read the party right.
    and she read Americans right too.

    for the most part we are a bunch of sniveling pansies.
    words kill us.
    feelings kill us.
    fears kill us.

    we are letting the hate America crowd own us.
    as we sit back and watch our superbowl.

    we will get just what we deserve.

    hang on for the ride.

    if we had the will to save ourselves would we just be sitting by while the political elite drive Trump into the ground !

  7. It was amusing to watch Pelosi claim that Somali Sally didn’t fully understand the words she uttered, repeatedly if I might add. It’s also an amusing fact that Omar has been in the USA since ’95 and attended N. Dakota State Univ. Begs the question “Is she that ignorant?” Don’t bother, we know the answer.

  8. Savage muslims like Omar only recognize one thing: weakness. So, the more you appease her, the more empowered she feels to attack you. Unfortunately, this simple lesson which is repeated over and over again is never learned.


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