On Campus, ‘It’s a Culture, Not a Costume,’ Has Replaced ‘Happy Halloween’ – IOTW Report

On Campus, ‘It’s a Culture, Not a Costume,’ Has Replaced ‘Happy Halloween’

Acculturated: It’s that spooky time of year when ghouls and goblins are getting ready to roam the streets. Unfortunately, they’re not the the scariest thing for which you need to be prepared. That’s right, it’s time for Halloween Overcorrection—the time when education officials from kindergarten through graduate school lose their ever-loving minds trying not to offend anyone and to coddle those with half a hurt feeling. I’m here to guide you through the most ridiculous things colleges are doing to prepare for the holiday.

Some schools are keeping it small, such as Northern Arizona University, which has launched a poster campaign called, “it’s a culture, not a costume,” or St. Thomas University, which has you covered with this helpful flier. Not enough? They also have this handy little memo with tips like, “Many would argue that Halloween is the day of the year where you can be whoever, or whatever you want. However, it’s important to know the distinction between what is funny and what is cultural appropriation.” At Washington State University, the Social Justice Peer Educators Group held an event entitled, “We’re a Culture, not a Costume” to teach people that costumes which culturally appropriate are “harmful.”

Most schools are worried these reminders won’t be enough (or it won’t make them seem “woke” enough because, let’s face it, this is a whole lot of virtue signaling), so they’re holding entire events around Halloween instead of just handing out information.  read more


SNIP: I could post the original ‘culture not costume’ posters but, FTS! Let’s make fun of them instead:



^ Sarah Jessica Parker ^



14 Comments on On Campus, ‘It’s a Culture, Not a Costume,’ Has Replaced ‘Happy Halloween’

  1. Send the cat woman to my house. She needs additional counseling.

    These people buzzkill everything. Fuck em.
    Do what you want or consider yourself dressed for Halloween everyday, zombies. From the way most leftists look, with the tats and piercings and bad haircuts colored in a rainbow, what’s even left for Halloween?

  2. In 1981, as a college Freshman, I fashioned a urinal costume from white foam rubber, complete with a drain screen, ciggie butts, a few boogers, spit-out gum, a Polish breathmint, and some stray pubes.

    I was a sensation when I hit the street in campus town. Even had a few weirdos chase me down the street with their units in their hands, trying to “christen” me.

    Good times, good times.

    But now I wonder. Would not a urinal be potentially triggering to the “squat to pee” crowd? Or culturally intimidating to third-worlders who typically pee into a hole in the ground? Or a grotesque display of white porcelain privilege to welfare recipients who prefer to hang a piss in the stairwells or elevators of their public housing projects?

    So, so many questions in America 2017.

    I miss the ’80’s

  3. Yeah, saw similar pertaining to how if your kid is white and wearing some Polynesian Disney princess costume, it’s racist. It does more to divide and perpetuate racism to insist only a child “of color” is allowed to admire and show their liking of a minority character.

    It used to be when white parents *didn’t* advance such figures, then their overlooking of them was racist. When does victimology stop being something people aspire to?

  4. All this time I was going to go as an illegal alien. You know: climb fences and walls, swim rivers, run through sand, avoid detection, etc. That was too racist, so now I’m going to go as a Mexican Ninja Warrior. You know: climb fences and walls, swim rivers, run through sand, avoid detection, etc.

  5. I was gonna dress up like a Witch … but Hillary got upset
    I was gonna dress up like an Oscar Meyer Weiner … but Carlos Danger got upset
    I was gonna dress up like Sasquatch … but Mooch got upset
    I was gonna dress up like Emperor Palpatin … but George Soros got upset
    I was gonna dress up like a clown … but Congresswoman from the Home Shopping Network got upset
    I was gonna dress up like a little kid getting ready for bed … but Pajama Boy got upset
    I was gonna dress up like a turtle … but Mitch McConnell got upset
    I was gonna dress up like a cadaver … but John McCain got upset
    I was gonna dress up as a drag queen … but Lindsey Graham got upset
    I was gonna dress up as a spineless worm … but the Republican Establishment got upset
    I was gonna dress up as a Communist … but the DemocRATs got upset
    I was gonna dress up as a fraud … but Bill Nye got upset
    I was gonna dress up as a dunce … but Joey Biden got upset
    I was gonna dress up as a Snake Oil Salesman … but AlGore got upset
    I was gonna dress up as a woman … but Bruce Catlin Jenner got upset
    I was gonna dress up as a flasher … but Harvey Weinstein got upset
    I was gonna dress up as a Hollywood actress … but the Hookers Union got upset
    I was gonna dress up as Aqualung … but Bill Clinton got upset
    I was gonna dress up as Rue Paul … but Bathhouse Barry got upset
    I was gonna dress up as Zombie … but college ‘students’ got upset
    I was gonna ……
    …. you get the picture …. try to find an inoffensive costume … you can’t
    phuck ’em …. I’m getting a wig, some fake fingernails, fake eyelashes, start finger-winging w/ my hand on my hip & be offended at everything … guess who I am?

    I was gonna dress up like

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