On Covid vaccines, diabetic ketoacidosis, and the death of Dan Kaminsky – IOTW Report

On Covid vaccines, diabetic ketoacidosis, and the death of Dan Kaminsky

Alex Berenson:

Dan Kaminsky died in San Francisco at the age of 42 on April 23, 2021.

He a computer security expert, well-known in that tight-knit community, with almost 100,000 followers on Twitter.

He was also a strong supporter of mRNA Covid vaccinations. On April 16, he tweeted that they were “astoundingly clever.” And on April 12, he proudly reported that he had been “vaxxed!”

Eleven days later he was dead.

I can’t remember how I came across Kaminsky’s death, but I did. I checked to see if he had publicly reported being vaccinated; he had. And so I tweeted on April 25 (those were the days before Twitter had censored me):

“So another well-known person in his forties – not a true celebrity, but someone with a sizable Twitter following – “died suddenly” Friday. No cause of death given, and his family wants privacy. These cases have popped with disturbing frequency since December.”

I didn’t use Kaminsky’s name. I didn’t think doing so would be appropriate.

Nonetheless his friends knew I was referring to him. And they didn’t like anyone pointing out a possible connection between his death and the vaccines.

His niece put out a statement explaining that he had died of diabetic ketoacidosis, a dangerous complication of diabetes caused by very high blood sugar and low insulin levels. “I think Dan would laugh at the idea of conspiracy theorists promoting anti-vax propaganda through his death,” she wrote.

Case closed, the bluechecks said. MORE

h/t illustr8r

11 Comments on On Covid vaccines, diabetic ketoacidosis, and the death of Dan Kaminsky

  1. As I have heard from numerous medical experts, these spike proteins multiply and course through your body. They latch onto any weakness and because of the suppression of your immune system(the vaxxed losing on average of about 5%/week) they amplify whatever the weakness is.

    For some it could their kidneys or heart, others will have cancer running wild. Blood clots, brain aneurysms, upper respiratory illnesses…

    I believe the doctor’s name is Cole and he has documented an across the board, alarming increase in fatalities from previously rare cancers beginning when the vax was first administered.

    It’s happening, everything that these Brainiacs have been warning us about. The media has got their fingers in a 1,000 holes trying to keep us in the dark but there a solid 100 million or so Americans that WILL NOT take this shit.

    BTW I see Gavin Newsome has been out of the public eye since Oct 27. Hmmmm what did he do on that day? He got his second booster! He even missed the big climate change bullshit in Scotland. Gee hope he’s OK. /s

  2. He died eleven days after getting the vaccine, so officially he was not vaccinated! I thought everyone knew that.

    Just imagine if airlines could claim that any plane crash within 15 minutes after takeoff and 15 minutes before the plane would have landed get counted as an accident of ground transportation and not an airline crash. Air crash figures would all but disappear.

  3. funny, just read this a few days ago

    “My insulin requirements skyrocketed after being vaccinated. Here’s why.”

    and at no extra charge…this looked interesting for thosr admitting clotshot regret.

    “Ozone treatments REVERSE blood cell clotting, lumping caused by covid vaccines – striking visual evidence”


  4. The question is which type of diabetes did he have? Type 1 or type 2? Type 1 is an autoimmune disease where the immune system destroys the islet cells in the pancreas, halting insulin production. Type 2 is usually the result of sugar intake almost as substance abuse. Too much sugar intake or carbohydrates, leading to a worn out or lazy pancreas that no longer makes working insulin, makes insulin that performs poorly, or simple ramps up too slowly in production to process the meal eaten. (Gluttony is a sin for a reason…)

    Understand insulin is like a key. It opens a door in the cell wall and allows glucose into the cells to be used. When the cells can’t get enough glucose, the mitochondria shift to an alternative energy production method that results in ketone waste products. Think of a coal fired boiler, you’ve run out of coal, and you start breaking up the furniture in your house to burn and stay warm. Then you go after the interior walls, and eventually the house collapses…

    Insulin is a really old protein, strongly conserved across much of life on earth. So much so that Octopus insulin is almost the same as human insulin. So what is it that interferes with insulin? Are the spike protein’s binding directly? Are the antigen’s binding selectively to insulin, or insulin receptors? It’s something I’ve been trying to find more info on, because as I mentioned before, I had a seizure after getting vaxxed, and the only problems they could find was high blood glucose, and dehydration. But no where near high enough to risk acidosis.

    You live and learn… Hopefully… And I’m sure SNS will be along shortly to razz me again, but… Needless to say, I will not be risking a booster, and my kids are a hard “no”.

  5. Last I checked the first and third thread on https://usawatchdog.com cover it pretty well.
    Found these to be very upsetting and gut churners (bring tin foil if you wish I’ve run out of my supply).
    The next six to twelve months could prove to “very interesting.”

    And NO! I don’t believe there will be any retribution for what they’re doing.

  6. I can accept every death or injury that happens after vaccination may not be vaccine related but they can’t accept that some deaths and injuries likely are related and the FDA knew of all these issues and had them on a slide presented in October 2020. Ignorance is bliss and who ever would have thought the left would become free propaganda shills for big pharma.

  7. My dad is types. He got covid, wasn’t eating much and so they didn’t keep track of numbers. He got lethargic, O2 down to 90, fell, went to ER. His sugar were 265.
    Dr in Dallas only sees covid patients. Gets patients on HCQ, low carb, and keep sugars below 100.

  8. Some of the folks I’ve known who died from it, one had a history of high blood pressure, but had been under control for years, after being vaxxed she died of a stroke.
    Another one had type 1 diabetes, after getting the vaccine she also died, they claimed she died of covid.
    Another one was a lung cancer survivor, had been in remission for over 5 years. 6 months after getting the jab, they found something concerning in her blood work, did a scan and then a lung biopsy and discovered she had cancer again, but not the same type of cancer she had before, a more rare, fast spreading cancer, she died within 2 weeks of being diagnosed.

    I’m not a doctor and I don’t play one on tv, but it tells me messing with your immune system is not a good idea.

    I also believe that this vaccine is meant to kill, some it will kill quickly, others it will take a little more time, but once injected into you it’s a ticking time bomb.
    My biggest fear of it though is still what do the hosts shed?

  9. Dan was my friend. He was brilliant and kind. We were planning a project together when he suddenly and unexpectedly died. Anyone with existing medical issues is at risk for comorbidity with any vaccine. I am sure he understood this and he paid the ultimate price. Using someone’s death to illustrate a point about any vaccine is, at best, vile. Conservatives are better than this. Use your platform to educate and inform without shaming others who are not elected officials.

    Yours in Patriotism,

    Barack Obama’s Dead Fly


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