On Day 17, Joe Biden Read From A Script For His ‘Phone Call With An Ordinary American’. – IOTW Report

On Day 17, Joe Biden Read From A Script For His ‘Phone Call With An Ordinary American’.

National Pulse:

Immigration Influx: “Crisis,” or Promise Kept?

The Biden State Department has suspended and moved to terminate Trump-era agreements with El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras to share the distribution of asylum claims through “safe third country” policies.

“Safe third country” agreements required certain asylum-seekers from the Northern Triangle to first apply for asylum in those countries before seeking asylum in the United States. They also aimed to facilitate cooperation between the United States and the host countries to enhance their systems for offering humanitarian protections. Two of the three agreements, those with El Salvador and Honduras, were never implemented. more

19 Comments on On Day 17, Joe Biden Read From A Script For His ‘Phone Call With An Ordinary American’.

  1. Was this meant to look spur of the moment?
    This woman has a masters in HR management.
    A masters to run an HR dept.
    Biden is as phony as a $3 bill.
    You don’t suppose he would call someone with a job that’s useful?
    Like laid of miners or pipeline workers.

  2. In church last Sunday, I heard a sweet elderly lady in a nearby pew saying a prayer. She was so innocent and sincere that I just had to share it with you:

    ”Dear Lord:
    This last year has been very tough. You have taken my favorite actors Sean Connery, Kirk Douglas and Diana Rigg; my favorite television host, Alex Trebek; Carl Reiner from ”Your Show of Shows”; my favorite singer from the 50’s, Little Richard; even Charlie Daniels and Kenny Rogers my two favorite country singers; and from sports you took Gale Sayers and my favorite basketball player Kobe Bryant.”

    ”I just wanted you to know that my favorite politicians are Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.”

  3. Joey was rated at 50%.

    The other choices were: Ringworm, Tapeworm, Fleas, Ticks, Bleeding Piles, Gum Disease, Cheese Dick, Runny Stools, Eczema, The Heartbreak of Psoriasis, Buffalo Breath, and Being Eaten by Rabid Weasels.

    A filthy Usurper. A filthy Traitor. A liar. A Thief. The very embodiment of corruption.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. My nephew told me he was in a store the other day with his “Fuck Ralph Northam” mask on. A lady stopped him and asked “Who’s Ralph Northam”? “Our fucked up Governor” was my Nephews reply. Lady asked “Is he That bad”? “Yep” was the reply. “Don’t worry, biden will get rid of him” lady said.
    These fucking people vote…

  5. I’m hereby warning that comparing this Biden stooge and his phony phone calls to my Fireside Chats will have serious consequences.

    The next writer who makes that comparison will find Eleanor standing naked in their kitchen daily holding a string of pearls. Feast your eyes on that treat.

    Continued comparisons of Biden to me will result in the ghost of Amelia Earhart performing the act of going ’round the world’ on Winston Churchill nightly in the bedroom, accompanied with motor sounds.

    Am I making myself clear?


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