On Joe Biden’s cognitive decline – IOTW Report

On Joe Biden’s cognitive decline

Former White House stenographer Mike McCormick, who worked for Biden for six years, details the mental decline in his new book Joe Biden, Unauthorized. McCormick says Biden is not the same man and has suffered at least 50 percent decline. – Citizen Free Press.

26 Comments on On Joe Biden’s cognitive decline

  1. Biden was already the stupidest Vice President in history.
    Now he’s the stupidest President in history
    – A twofer!
    Throw in a mix of dementia, and we are in uncharted territory.

    Big question: Who is really running the country?
    – Ric Grenell thinks it’s Susan Rice, but she’s not smart enough …

  2. “Biden was already the stupidest Vice President in history.
    Now he’s the stupidest President in history”

    Yeah, he can’t even draw a crowd of a few dozen at rallies and doesn’t stand a chance to win.

    Of course, he’s now the one that is President and running things because he defeated the smarter one.

    Only the stupid can win elections and the smart ones fall by the wayside when they try.

  3. Anonymous, Anonymous, Anonymous,

    Joey DIDN’T “win” – the election was stolen.
    Can you understand that?
    It doesn’t take a genius to put a gun in someone’s face and demand his wallet.
    The theft wasn’t even artfully done – it was so blatant and obvious that the nihilists appeared to be shoving America’s nose in it. Almost as though they are daring us to hang them.
    At any rate: neither a puppet nor a manikin needs be “smart.”

    But, on the other hand, Joey may seem smart to some.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. anyone read Kurt Schlichter’s books about the blues and reds? they’re supposed to be fiction, right? kurt does a better job than nostradamus. welcome to our future, signed: cis-het. my pronouns are he/him and fxxx you.

  5. Tim,

    The President is elected by the Electoral College and he won the Electoral College vote.

    There’s been no verified evidence presented that there was enough fraudulent votes cast to change the election result, and simple opinion and accusation is not proven evidence (if it was everyone ever being prosecuted in court would automatically be guilty based on the prosecutors evidence).

    BUT, if you’re smarter than hes is, why is he President and why are you are whatever you are instead of being President? Why is their side smart enough to win and run everything and our side is loses and doesn’t?

    And iof you say they’re cheating that’s like having “But I had the right of way” engraved on your tombstone.

    We either smarten up or we keep losing. Start by studying The Art of War for a few years, they seem to have done this since their last loss and learned something from it.

  6. “Why is their side smart enough to win and run everything and our side is loses and doesn’t?”

    I don’t know what your “our side” consists of, but the side I am on consists exclusively of Constitutional conservatives. My “their side” consists of the Republican establishment plus the Democrat Party.

  7. On my first day in basic training, I walked passed an Army officer, and, instead of saluting, I said “Salute Major” and kept walking

    Whereupon my drill sergeant grabbed me and said, “Dont do that again or I’ll be forced to recommend you for a Section 8, because that is most retarded thing I’ve ever seen an Army Private do.”

    So thats how I know Joe Biden already qualifies for the 25th Amendment

  8. This is not about ‘biden’ running anything. It is about SUSAN RICE doing it all:


    This corrupt racist, Jew-hating maggot who sold out our nation so many times, and sold out the lives of American servicemen (getting themm killed – there’s no argument about Behghazi) is the de facto president.

  9. Anonymous,
    Jeff Dunham’s dummies sometimes get the best of him in arguments.
    Are they smarter than he?
    Joey’s a ventriloquist dummy. The evidence of fraud is overwhelming – the totalitarians are simply forbidding due process. And besides, if there is even one instance of fraud, the election should be voided and re-done in an absence of fraud. Each incidence of fraud disguises hundreds of thousands.
    Let’s see the true, honest results. Not of the Electoral College, but of the popular votes. They remain hidden just as do the actual number of “deaths” from COVID. It’s surprising that you can’t recognize the odor of BULLSHIT.

    I was a plumber. I know the smell of shit.
    Sometimes the thing, itself, is proof of its existence.
    I don’t know the philosophical underpinnings – only the fact of the matter.
    If you choose to worship at the altar of mendacity – have at it.

    You think Joey’s a genius – that’s fine by me – but he isn’t – he’s just another well-connected grifter, liar, and thief – and DC if full of em.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. Great channel, esp. watching Steve Bannon…Now, a question. If the Democrats stole the election SO BLATANTLY…which, I believe they did and an earlier poster said, almost’ rubbing our faces’ in their deception …a simple question..Why? Why is this allowed? In my Grandfather’s day, it would never be allowed, The people would band together and drag these insurgents out of the Palace. Why are humans so G-dammed complacent, to the point all they can do is type something on some social site, and call that ‘change’?

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