On Kenosha, DHS Sec. Wolf Says ‘Fault Lies’ With Local Leaders, Individuals Have Right To Protect Themselves – IOTW Report

On Kenosha, DHS Sec. Wolf Says ‘Fault Lies’ With Local Leaders, Individuals Have Right To Protect Themselves

Federalist: Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf on Wednesday defended the rights of citizens to protect themselves against the anarchic mobs tearing through cities, while calling on local officials to step up and safeguard their constituents in order to fulfill a core function of government.

“Individuals have a right to protect themselves and their businesses and what they’ve worked all their life to build,” Wolf told The Federalist in an exclusive interview, regarding the current situation unfolding in the nation’s cities such as Kenosha and Portland, where private citizens have been forced to take protection into their own hands in the absence of local law enforcement providing adequate security.

“Fault lies with those local leaders and those local law enforcement of not doing their job,” said Wolf, who was officially nominated to fill the role as Homeland Security secretary Tuesday. “This country is about rule of law, and we need the police to step up any time we have criminal riots and looting occur. Law enforcement needs to step in, restore that rule of law, so that private citizens don’t have to do this or that, you don’t have counter-protests that become violent. That only happens in the absence of rule of law.”

While Wolf didn’t mention them by name, the prime example of private individuals protecting themselves from the virulent mob is the couple from St. Louis, Missouri, who rose to prominence this summer when videos of the pair waving firearms at threatening demonstrators went viral, becoming a hallmark moment for the utility of the Second Amendment. more

7 Comments on On Kenosha, DHS Sec. Wolf Says ‘Fault Lies’ With Local Leaders, Individuals Have Right To Protect Themselves

  1. Where’s the DOJ? When there is a dem admin, the DOJ always seems able to find a ‘civil rights’ violation of local officials. But when there’s a republican admin, the DOJ sits on it’s hands.

    The blacks think the cops are biased and crooked. So the cops are required to change.
    Well, we KNOW the county DA’s are crooked as fuck. They let leftist protesters go free after they’re caught committing crimes. But when a kid opposing the protesters acts in obvious self defense, they start throwing all kinds of charges against him. That’s called crooked justice.
    And the DOJ is supposed to clamp down on that shit. But they do NOTHING.

  2. When elected officials hogtie the police, allow rioting and destruction to go on unimpeded while charging people who are forced to use firearms to defend themselves and their property, it is anarchy AND tyranny planned and supported by those officials who need to be charged as accessories to the crimes taking place under their authority. Charge, arrest and remove them as being “a clear and present danger” to the safety of American citizens.

  3. To the author of this and similar articles: do not repeat misinformation. The couple in Missouri weren’t “waving guns around” since the man was not waving his rifle around and the woman’s pistol-like-object was in an unfirable configuration so not a firearm.


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