On NATO’S 75th Birthday… – IOTW Report

On NATO’S 75th Birthday…

GP: Secretary Blinken Meets Ukrainian FM Kuleba Bringing No Money, No Ammo, No Missiles or Planes – Just a Promise: ‘Ukraine Will Be a Part of Nato.’

13 Comments on On NATO’S 75th Birthday…

  1. Sure, Jan. Here’s what I think: When all is said and done, not only will none of the Ukraine be in NATO, but several other nations will quit NATO as well. The CIA and MI6 are going to run out of colors for their revolutions trying to put NATO back together again.

  2. @geoff the aardvark…

    “NATO is strengthening dialogue and cooperation with its partners in the Indo-Pacific region – Australia, Japan, the Republic of Korea and New Zealand. In today’s complex security environment, relations with like-minded partners across the globe are increasingly important to address cross-cutting security issues and global challenges. The Indo-Pacific is important for the Alliance, given that developments in that region can directly affect Euro-Atlantic security. Moreover, NATO and its partners in the region share a common goal of working together to strengthen the rules-based international order.”


    Tell me NATO is a Globalist front without telling me NATO is a Globalist front.

  3. Putin warned what would happen if NATO was on his border. Don’t you people listen? Oh, wait. Yes, they do. Because that’s what they want. Any war to deplete the US military, young men, and all our resources.

    Pray for God’s intervention. He is the only way our country will survive.

  4. There is something HUGE going on in Ukraine that is just scaring the sh*t out of any U.S. politician that learns about it. I think that is what made Mike Johnson do a 180 and start siding in with the democrats. There’s something over there that the U.S. voters and/or the russians absolutely can not find out about.

  5. There are already NATO countries on Russia’s border. Norway, Finland, Estonia, & Latvia. What America should just bend the knee to bonehead Putin?
    No matter what Blinken has said right now, it’s NOT his thoughts that will get the Ukraine in as a NATO member. It has been well stated by the leaders of NATO that the Ukraine will not be able to join as long as they are with war with Russia/Putin, Trump’s best bud. But heck Putin still needs your help & prayers your willing to give him.


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