On Second Thought… – IOTW Report

On Second Thought…


21 Comments on On Second Thought…

  1. “I’ve had a series of productive conversations with members of Trump’s team…”

    That’s how President Trump gets things done.
    Come at him like an angry racist radical and you see the other side of President Trump.
    You can ask a certain “journalist” about that.

  2. Thank you, Mr. Rittenhouse. We all make mistakes from time to time, but rarely as publicly as yours this time. The real test is how we make up for our errors. As that applies to you, so far so good.

  3. Give me a break, Kyle:

    “I’ve had a series of productive conversations with members of Trump’s team…” …about Trump’s views on diluting the second amendment, on banning bump-stocks, and on the use of red-flag laws that lead to the seizure of rightfully-owned firearms.

  4. Ι ѕtіll thіnk іt’ѕ ѕtаtіѕtісаllу hіlаrіοuѕ thаt Κуlе ѕhοt thrее lіbеrаlѕ аt rаndοm аnd 2/3 οf thеm turnеd οut tο bе реdοрhіlеѕ. Granted, that’s not a large enough sample size to draw any real conclusions, but…

  5. Ι ѕhοuld thіnk, mοrе аnd mοrе, thаt Τrumр іѕ сοmіng аrοund tο thе rеаlіtу thаt (1) thе Lеft аrе іnсrеаѕіnglу vіοlеnt аnd wаnt tο аttасk аnуοnе whο dіѕаgrееѕ wіth thеm; аnd, mοѕt іmрοrtаntlу, (2) nοnе οf uѕ саn truѕt thе gοvеrnmеnt tο dеfеnd uѕ.

  6. The Left demands everyone move in lockstep around the current dictum. The Right accepts a wider array of opinions and for the changing of ones mind. If you have no ability to think, you will never change your mind and will likely find a comfortable home amongst the Left. If you can think you will learn from experience and your mind will change.

  7. Anon Elder

    At the same time I read your comment, CNN Chris Wallace was on in the background. Todays Wallace (not Nicole) episode has been particularly delicious with its True Meanings (TM) reading twixt the lines. Anyways, back to the point, at the exact same time as your comment was being read, Chris Wallace wanted to discuss HALLOWEEN time and what his panelist of weirdos thought of bumping up HALLOWEeN PLANNING to include August.

    Also, the First 20 minutes of the show was GOLD.

    Nice to meet ya anon the elder

  8. “I’m undecided on who to vote for so hearing different takes from true intellectual leaders like Kyle will go a long way to making me a more informed voter”………………………….said no one, ever.

  9. He needs to undo his original damage. He should go on The View and…

    (pick one)

    (a) Threaten to defend their Constitutional rights with an AR-15.
    (b) Yell at them so loudly they all walk off.
    (c) Tell them they’re all Communist hags who won’t survive the coming civil war.
    (d) Urge them to move overseas NOW – any country.

  10. Another by-product of our feckless nihilistic culture; “celebrities” too stupid to realize that their notoriety has more to do with the cause they represent and not any singular accomplishments on their part.

  11. “Hell is paved, with good intentions”. Thank God The Trump Team intercepted a potential disaster. Rittenhouse does have the ear of Gen Z. They’re just as naive. He needs to take a civic class ASAP to avoid additional political damage.
    Maybe, then he’ll understand President Trump is the only candidate for president who supports the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution in its purest form.


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