On To The Next Episode – IOTW Report

On To The Next Episode

Phony Black Activist Shaun King Converts to Islam (VIDEO)

14 Comments on On To The Next Episode

  1. Because of COURSE he does!

    “When one does wrong, one must do it thoroughly. ’ Tis madness to halt midway in the monstrous! The extreme of crime has its deliriums of joy.”
    -Victor Hugo, “The Hunchback Of Notre Dame”

  2. So now that I’m in, when do I get a Jewish women to rape? I’ve never had sex with a woman before and that’s what I signed up for, because I’m a pussy and I need you guys to hold one for me. That’s how this works, right?

  3. General Malaise, if you mean he’ll be having some neopronouns next, I agree. He’s never met a contradiction he couldn’t ignore or a controversy he couldn’t embrace, if it gets him some attention. I feel conned just for knowing who he is.

  4. CJ
    THURSDAY, 14 MARCH 2024, 9:55 AT 9:55 AM
    “Can’t wait for them to force him to be a suicide bomber. Dumbass would detonate before getting out of the vehicle.”

    He DOES tend to “go off” prematurely. Chastain, Obama and I, and now his new Muslim friends, are working with him on that.

  5. He’s almost got the complete set of trading cards. To complete the set he needs;
    The bisexual card.
    The homosexual card.
    The transexual card.
    He may eventually get the full set of cards but he still won’t be playing with a full deck.


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