On Trial: Why Trump’s Immigration Ban Will Win Over Seattle Judge’s Nationwide Order – IOTW Report

On Trial: Why Trump’s Immigration Ban Will Win Over Seattle Judge’s Nationwide Order


Opening Statement
On Friday, a Boston federal judge issued a 21 page decision debunking the arguments against Trump’s Executive Order suspending migration from certain countries pending further review. Later that same day, a Seattle federal judge who has been making the news lately (and not usually for the most flattering of reasons), declared his oral intention to sign an order limiting some aspects of the executive order. In the courtroom, whose position is likely to ultimately win?

Just a quick review of the two written orders can tell you which one is likely to win. The Boston judge cited a wide range of precedents for his decision in his detailed written order. The Seattle judge issued a short order devoid of almost any reference to any precedent, which is the “evidence” for lawyers on the law. Add in comments made by the Seattle judge verbally, and if any aspect of that is correct, the Seattle judge’s opinion will lose, and Trump’s position will win.

The Evidence
Both judges appeared to reject the position of many critics: both appeared to reject the position the First Amendment prohibits the order; both appeared to reject the position the Fifth Amendment prohibits the order; both appeared to reject the position that Congressional statutes prohibit the order. Both appeared to reject claims the order discriminated on the basis of speech or religion in any way that immigration law precludes or forbids. Instead, both agreed all that mattered is whether the laws had a “rational basis.”

Here is where the Boston judge and the Seattle judge appeared to disagree. According to reports of what was said at oral argument in Seattle, the Seattle judge believes rational basis review requires the law-making branches of government “prove” with “facts” presented in court that their position is the correct one. As the Boston judge noted, this interpretation of the law — inviting the judicial branch to replace the elected branches of government — is directly contrary to precedent. This is why the Seattle judge’s opinion is likely to lose out ultimately, and Trump’s will prevail.  MORE

8 Comments on On Trial: Why Trump’s Immigration Ban Will Win Over Seattle Judge’s Nationwide Order

  1. The Left has had it so easy, for so long, they have gotten lazy. Their betrayal of FACTS with FEELINGS is perfectly illustrated by these two Judges. We were NOT a nation of LAWS for 8-years, and we’re starting to get back to that concept!

    0bama’s catch-all phrase, “That’s not who we are…” belies feelings over facts and the law.

  2. It’s time to put some rules in for judges whether elected or appointed. I would suggest that if a Judge is reversed 5 times he/she should be removed from the bench and replaced. Far too many Judges (mostly left but a few right) think of the bench as a place to make law which it most certainly is not. Unless this is brought under control we will almost certainly by our tacit approval of their actions, have made unelected Judges an unassailable level of government that is supreme.

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