Mirror UK: Tattoo addict inks EYEBALLS and inside of mouth in bid to cover whole body.
A British man may be one of the most heavily tattooed in the world after covering almost his entire body – and even impregnating his eyeballs – with jet black ink.

Eli Ink, 27, is a tattoo artist from Brighton who views his body as a canvas to exhibit his finest work on.
Over 10 years he has tattooed almost every centimetre of his skin in layers of black ink and he has even put ink in his eyeballs.
Huge stretchers were implanted in his nose and lower lip to stretch them into unusual shapes as part of his body modification.
He said his tattoos and modifications are both seriously planned and sporadic, which he says is a reflection of his own personality. MORE
Oh, yea, that’s going to suck when he wakes up at about 65 years old. But then it sucks, now. Can you see the police report, if he’s ever arrested? ‘Distinguishing marks’.
Some people have no idea of the gifts they are given and waste them like they are nothing.
Could they possibly be related?
Village in Kenya now missing two idiots.
Mental illness.
MJA — You should post your signature “Stinky Smell Girl” as your baby pic. That way all of us could guess right for once. LOL!
I honestly think I am going to throw up. I don’t even understand one tattoo and what is that ink going to do to the health of his eyes?
I won’t be impressed until He completes the transformation
And starts gobbling up Chicken Heads and Offal .
Did you see his before picture?
Cultural appropriation from the white boy in black face!
Imagine having to sit across from him at a corn-on-the-cob eating contest.
If it was okay for Michael Jackson to become white then it’s okay for Eli Ink to become black.
No signs of mental illness there at all, nope, none.
And where are the race-keteers to ruin this mans life?
He was highly influenced by a pancake and syrup company….
Don’t shoot til ya see the whites of their eyes…….wait a minute!
In 15 years he be a light shade of blue as the ink starts breaking down. He’ll be a smurf !
Yes Ladies, he’s single!!!
AbigailAdams- LOL. Great idea.
Grade… A… DUMBASS… :barf:
Did someone say, “going black”…?!
and some b(l)ackground…
Obviously he doesn’t consider his body a temple for the holy spirit. I couldn’t bring myself to read the article, but where does he get the money to abuse himself like that? I ask because he can’t have a job– who would hire someone who looks like that? He’d either scare the hell out of the public or his co-workers, or both.
Spencer tracy movie way back.. black like me.. or the watermellon man with godfrey cambridge also along time ago. 🤔
Brown Eyed Girl- Good call. There’s a video of him getting his gums blackened by ink. I actually feel pity for him.
@passn thru … I think that might have been James Whitmore
but, what’s the difference? … they all look (pick your favorite hue) to me
Looks like the one in National Geographic that was driving around town with Jane Goodall, while using sign language.
Is that a urinal puck in his mouth?
Well, he has certainly improved on G_Ds shitty design.
“reflection of his own personality” He spelled “mental illness” wrong.
@Czar of Def: The only thing I can think of to say about that is, “Kill it with fire.”
A couple of years ago I decided to go shopping in a town 30 miles away. As I was strolling up and down the aisle there were 3 people in the aisle and the woman turned around facing me. Scared the hell out of me!! She had practically every inch of her face tatted and pierced up, plus she was fat! I couldn’t help but stare in disbelief. She said to me in a sarcastic voice “WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?” I replied “I didn’t know the circus was in town.” I turned around and left the store empty handed. It was the same store years ago that I saw a man dressed in a tutu, pink leotards and all. The guys in the produce couldn’t help but laugh at the guy. They saw me looking at them laughing and they were embarrassed, but I laughed with them. Crazy! 🙂
Yet another compost pile in training.
Hi Mr. V. Stick around we are a fun bunch.
Will call you in the morning.
Extreme narcissistic behavior. Going to any length to gain attention. BTW, he acts like a masochist too – seems to enjoying those needles jabs way too much. Definitely a mental case.