One America News Fires Back Against Rachel Maddow, MSNBC And Comcast With A Defamation Lawsuit – IOTW Report

One America News Fires Back Against Rachel Maddow, MSNBC And Comcast With A Defamation Lawsuit


Los Angeles, CA—September 9, 2019 – Herring Networks, Inc., an independent, family owned national cable television programming company based in San Diego, California, filed a defamation lawsuit today in the United States District Court, Southern District of California, against Defendants Rachel Maddow, Comcast Corporation, NBC Universal Media, LLC, and MSNBC Cable LLC. The Complaint seeks damages in excess of $10,000,000.

Herring Networks owns and operates One America News Network (“OAN”), a prominent and popular independent television news channel providing Americans with a conservative alternative to the major liberal news outlets. The Complaint alleges that Comcast refused to carry OAN as part of its cable programming because OAN counters the liberal politics of its own channel, MSNBC.

The Complaint further alleges that one week after OAN’s President, Charles Herring, called out and objected to Comcast’s anti-competitive censorship in an email to Comcast’s President of Content Acquisition, MSNBC’s most popular show—The Rachel Maddow Show—opened with the show’s host, Rachel Maddow, telling her audience that OAN “really literally is paid Russian propaganda.” keep reading

10 Comments on One America News Fires Back Against Rachel Maddow, MSNBC And Comcast With A Defamation Lawsuit

  1. I have AT&T’s U-verse cable and OAN is right next to Fox News on the dial.
    OAN keeps getting more and more of my news-watching time.
    I would say they present BOTH sides of the news stories. Including the pro-Trump side rarely seen.

  2. It’s like wishing brennan and comey were in jail. I’ll clap when it happens.
    and i don’t expect it to happen.
    The game is rigged, in case anyone hasn’t noticed.

  3. I bet the most difficult part about reporting this story for NewsRU anchors would be stifling their laughter.

    After stating the case, a zoom-in deadpan face stare at the camera would be fitting.


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