One day after Biden lifts sanctions, Venezuela takes another U.S. hostage – IOTW Report

One day after Biden lifts sanctions, Venezuela takes another U.S. hostage

American Thinker:

By Monica Showalter

How’s Joe Biden’s oil-for-democracy diplomatic deal going with Venezuela? The one where he would drop sanctions on Venezuela’s oil production and Venezuela would hold free and fair elections as well as release its American hostages? About as well as his Iran deal. more

4 Comments on One day after Biden lifts sanctions, Venezuela takes another U.S. hostage

  1. Newsflash: if you’re in a foreign country that happens to be run by commies and you think you’re safe because you’re an American, you might want to rethink that.

  2. Why would any American think that Biden (obama’s crew) could negotiate anthing but a failed foreign policy.

    The socialist and corrupt Biden/Obama administration is more in line politically with Venezuela than with any former US Administrations.


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