One Does Not Simply ‘Move On’ From A Coup – IOTW Report

One Does Not Simply ‘Move On’ From A Coup

Diogenes’ Middle Finger:

By GBenton
Now that Robert Mueller’s report dropped a MOAB on the Russia Collusion narrative, some nice folk on the right are calling for ‘moving on’ and healing. Hard pass, thanks. When former Director of the CIA John Brennan, otherwise known as patient zero for the what can only be called a soft coup, now wishes to blame years of treasonous behavior on ‘bad intel’ and skate by – it’s definitely NOT time to move on. It’s time to make sure each and every co-conspirator is exposed and held accountable.

The problem is it is precisely the urge to ‘move on’ and ‘heal’ on the right that let the traitors believe they could seek to overturn an election, falsely impeach a duly elected president, and destroy anyone who got in the way. We must remember that this was an attempted coup, not a ‘hoax’ or a misunderstanding or ‘bad intel’. While we have heard the term ‘coup’ many times recently, and perhaps we’ve grown used to the idea. But this is something many of us never really imagined would be possible in the United States of America. And yet here we are.

Let me ask you a rhetorical question. Do you think we’ve heard the worst of what those behind this coup did? Considering that we already know from various testimony and documents that from the top of the Obama administration down to key players in the DOJ, State, FBI, and the media conspired to take down the Trump administration and destroy the lives of many around him (including his family), I’d say there’s a near 100 percent chance that we’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg. The public is easily distracted and life comes at us fast these days. If we become complacent and breathe a sigh of relief that this Mueller fiasco is over, and if we make the fatal mistake of moving on then the perpetrators (traitors) will learn nothing, retain power, and almost certainly return stronger one day.  MORE

26 Comments on One Does Not Simply ‘Move On’ From A Coup

  1. While ex-President Obama is living free and wealthy, the coup lives on, too. The criminal potential hasn’t been eliminated and it needs to be. Now is the time to be charging, prosecuting, and imprisoning those guilty of sedition and treason. There are so many, and there are hundreds of staffed prison facilities ready to hold them all. This may appear to be Communistic to do, but what more appropriate places for Communist coup plotters to be in than these? Can real justice actually be accomplished when there is so much government corruption? No justice has been achieved yet.


  2. It sure is difficult to reconcile Brennan’s full on attacks and disparagement of Trump over the past 2 years with this “oops, bad intel” comment after the collusion nuke failed. Simpleton.

    Recommend full Trump attack, no holds barred.

  3. It’s well beyond time that we — as intelligent conservatives — drag the history of “The McCarthy Era” out into the sunlight and reexamine the facts of the case because McCarthy was right! Yet what we find in the so-called “dust bin” of American history is another dead-on example of the Left rewriting that history and the modern Left (in all its parts) rewriting the script again. Isn’t it interesting that E.R. Murrow was lionized for his attacks on those who believed McCarthy and Chambers and, today, the NYT’s and others have claimed undeserved prizes for their in-depth coverage of another communist attack on America? I think the old adage holds: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Even people like Sean Hannity erroneously cited the McCarthy Era; placing the wrong people on the wrong side of history. After a few days of him using a completely flipped version of the truth, I couldn’t stand listening to him anymore. This is exactly what happens when we whine about “things” being too complicated to keep up with or to understand. That should be embarrassing to a people who, in 1856, produced 8th grade students who were expected to know and explain the following in 45 minutes or less:

    U.S. History
    1. Give the epochs into which U.S. History is divided.
    2. Give an account of the discovery of America by Columbus.
    3. Relate the causes and results of the Revolutionary War.
    4. Show the territorial growth of the United States.
    5. Tell what you can of the history of Kansas.
    6. Describe three of the most prominent battles of the Rebellion.
    7. Who were the following: Morse, Whitney, Fulton, Bell, Lincoln, Penn, and Howe?
    8. Name events connected with the following dates: 1607, 1620, 1800, 1849, and 1865?

    All that and no fancy pants “Advanced Placement” History classes. The farm boy in Salina, KS, probably didn’t even have a decent pair of shoes. And we know for a fact that his school didn’t provide breakfast and lunch, a transgender bathroom or a “safe space.” My point being that Americans — for all our breast beating about the stars and stripes, American know-how, and American can-do — are horribly ignorant of our own history. Now, you’d think that a people who are so gung-ho about Americanism and America First would be on fire about making sure they know the truth of our own history and especially about that history in the making; not only what our kids learn in school about events of the day, but that those events — when they are chiseled into the edifice of History — are actually recorded accurately. It’s no small potatoes to say that those who refuse to know history are doomed to repeat it.

    “Move on?” I suppose that’s a pretty easy thing to do if you don’t see the arc of the communist Left in America or if you think it’s too complicated to understand their aims.

    It’s 2:17 a. PDT, I’m tired and I’m just up to let the cats in and out. But there is so much more to say about this and why the linked article puts a finger exactly where it needs to be placed.

  4. Yeah, what @ AbigailAdams said – the rats must not be allowed to leave the ship with no comeuppance at all else they they’ll only find another ship or warehouse to infest.

  5. Well AA, the number 1 enemy of this country, the teacher’s unions, have made damn certain that this country is to be judged solely on our darker episodes.

    To this day, race pimps and REgressives, have used slavery as an excuse for the wretched state of the blacks in urban areas. Does 700,000 WHITE men dying matter a whit?

    Using Zinn’s history book as a textbook should tell you all you need to know about their intent, the current state of public education and the sickening success they’ve had in turning out 10s of millions of ignorant idiots. They gobble this horseshit up like ice cream. They ignore real history and even real time current events like folks in Venezuela eating zoo animals & trapping pigeons to stay alive.

    Our great institutions are sputtering along as the last generation of able men die off. In 50 years(or less), without TSHTF, America will be America in name only…if that.

  6. Well said AA.
    How many times has it been said: We didn’t start it, but we’ll damn sure finish it!
    The only reason we’re here is because there has been very little push-back from Conservatives. The Left is only going to ramp up this insanity until there is. The time is here and I think the place to start is the lying Media. We have see them pushing the agenda of the Left for far too long. They are now just flat-out lying with impunity. They are completely without shame. We are watching people flaunt the law and show us that laws mean nothing without enforcement because they know enforcement only brings excoriation in the news and being labeled as a “racist” or “Nazi”, “iSlamophobe”, “White Supremacist”, “sexist”, “misogynistic”, “xenophobic” or the worst yet a “homophobic racist Nazi White Supremacist!!
    Without the Media carrying their water for them, most of these entities will wither away. It is time to bring these Communists down by exposing them for what they are.

  7. Ummm, smollett walked. just sayin’.
    There is NO justice in these United States.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  8. “Now that Robert Mueller’s report dropped a MOAB on the Russia Collusion narrative, some nice folk on the right are calling for ‘moving on’ and healing.”

    Nice people?

    More like enemy collaborators, I say.

    In a war, you either deal with collaborators in a decisive manner or you lose the war to the side they are on.

    There is little difference between politics and war, as far as the winning and losing go, so it’s time for the right to either wake up and act decisively against the collaborators or prepare to lose the war.

  9. Everything the post said was correct. But do we really think those treasonous crooks will be brought to justice? come on…get real.

    here’s proof that nothing will be done. i’ll lay it out for you.

    –we learned long ago that the “evidence” was an unverified dossier payed for by clinton and was nothing but bullshit. we also learned that the fbi and doj used it frauduelently to get fisa warrants.

    –after we learned the above, the investigation went on anyway.

    –can you imagine your local cop investigating someone and then finding out the evidence was a pile of shit and then going on and continuing the investigation?

    –the fact that they continued the investigation tell us everything we need to know. everything.

    just like global warming. once we found out they were going back and changing the historical temperature record, it’s over. i don’t care what any scientist has to say after that.

  10. “nice folk on the right”
    Aww, bullshit!
    Whatever they pretend to be, they ain’t!
    RINOs, Mensheviks, traitors, wreckers, and stooges.

    Call em what they are!

    These guys would bend over their own mother and grease up her ass rather than take a stand on principle. They sicken me more than do the ignorant savages supporting socialism.

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Trump stated “We must not allow this to happen to another president” should be a storm warning for those involved in this treachery. I think he’s going to lower the boom and soon.
    He realizes that if this isn’t dealt with all hope is lost.

  12. Put them ALL in Gitmo.
    In 1 month they would rat
    each other out and we would know the
    true details.I will donate my time,engineers
    level,Skil saw and hammer to properly construct
    a 4 man gallows…

  13. Is the left planning on “moving on”?
    No, they’ve been very vocal about more investigations, demanding tax returns, the usual bullshit.
    I want to see some fucking INDICTMENTS for this farce, not “moving on”.

  14. Incarceration is not the answer for treason and sedition. Swift execution by public hanging is and it will put an end to all this BS surrounding our duly elected president.

  15. I will be interested when at least one of the coups conspirators goes to jail. Mueller had no trouble breaking financially General Flynn and putting Popodopolous in jail.

  16. @Hans March 27, 2019 at 6:22 am

    > the rats must not be allowed to leave the ship with no comeuppance at all else they they’ll only find another ship

    And those that insist the only way to prevent that is to burn it to the waterline, and let the ashes sink, are “traitors”.

  17. Presently the DOJ and FBI have zero credibility.

    Will the DOJ and the FBI conduct an honest, principled investigation, indict and prosecute?
    Can they retrieve any credibility, honesty or reestablish the words in the Preamble of the Constitution; “establish Justice” and the Fourteenth Amendment “equal protection of the laws.”

    My doubts far outweigh their ability to fulfill their Constitutional duties and responsibilities.


  18. The sickness on our country is based on delusions. Only the prosecution of clinton obama’s roles in the horrible illegalies that occurrd while they were in power will release deluded people of their delusions. Enough of them, anyway.


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