One liberal columnist has a message for Dems – IOTW Report

One liberal columnist has a message for Dems

American Thinker:

By Silvio Canto, Jr.

We’ve been reporting that impeachment is a losing proposition for Democrats.

Add Chris Cillizza to the list calling on Democrats to cut their losses and change the subject. He cites recent public opinion polls:

But what the trend line in recent weeks suggests is that the intense focus on impeachment has marginally helped, not hurt Trump. 

The change in public opinion is slight, yes. 

And it may well be temporary. But for the moment, it’s the sort of thing that has to make Democrats a little (and maybe more than a little) nervous about the path they have chosen.

Yes, the trend line is not good for Democrats.  President Trump may have been re-elected when the speaker wore a black dress and read the Pledge of Alliance.

Speaker Pelosi made several mistakes here:

11 Comments on One liberal columnist has a message for Dems

  1. It’s follow the leader, they all think “she must know what she’s doing” as they goose step behind.
    She’ll have to squat and pee on the floor of the house before they realize this disturbed woman needs to have an involuntary psych evaluation.

  2. VietVet
    When i entered kindergarten that was my favorite movie. Walt’s frequently had life lessons in his movies. “Please Br’er Fox, pleas Br’er Bear; what ever you do DONT THROW ME IN THEAT BRIAR PATCH!”!

    Many time people say the opposite of how they feel. Great current example id the libera Trey promising to put GWB’s girl Lois in jail!

  3. Yeh, so the democraps didn’t get what they wanted politically…
    Where is the OUTRAGE that they used the impeachment process for political purposes instead of to protect the sanctity of our constitution?
    The Republicans (if they truly are looking out for the good of the country) had better use everything they have learned to prosecute ALL to the fullest extent of the law (even some posthumously). Otherwise, this may have been the last big lurch toward the end of our country.

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