One more step down the slippery slope in Oregon – IOTW Report

One more step down the slippery slope in Oregon

ONN: The state that was the first to legalize physician-assisted suicide now may be traveling down the road to outright euthanasia of its residents.

Oregon put into effect its doctor-assisted suicide law in 1997, making it the first state in the United States to legalize the act. Now, the state’s lawmakers are considering a bill that would expand current law to allow others to kill the person intravenously, through injection, or through a gas mask.

Liberty Counsel founder Mat Staver tells OneNewsNow it’s a dangerous bill.

“It actually results in the cheapening of human life,” the attorney argues, “and ultimately what you’ll see is medical professionals deciding on their own to end the life of an elderly or a disabled or a sick individual even though they provide no consent.”

House Bill 2217 goes further than any assisted suicide law in this country and for all practical purposes, according to Staver, legalizes euthanasia, which is done by one person causing the death of another, usually by lethal injection.  more here


23 Comments on One more step down the slippery slope in Oregon

  1. It might not be your choice if you are unconscious in a hospital after an accident and you have “organ donor” checked on your drivers license. Far fetched? I’m not so sure.

  2. What’s next ?
    Post-Natal Abortion ?
    Have children subject to 90 day approval ?

    Within 90 days you can turnover the post-natal fetus
    To Planned Parenthood for dissection and
    spare body part harvesting.

    imo, of course

  3. “Nurse! Check this guy’s records”
    “He’s a 66 year old White, Male Republican”
    “Just as I thought… too many birthdays!”
    “Looks like it’s Nighty Night for the Whitey Right”

  4. @JayPee–there are already demonrats/progressive/liberal/mentally ill who say that we can kill children up to their 2nd birthdays. You thinking is not far-fetched especially since Oregon may approve of legalizing murder.

  5. TRF, I’m 66 and all of the above. There is no way in hell I will ever allow them to kill me just because of my age or my being a male and a Republican and a believer in Almighty God and heterosexual as well. They can kiss my ass because I will not submit to their ungodly edicts ever and my children won’t allow it to happen either. Remind me since I live in Wash. state just N. of Oregon not to get sick if I ever travel in Oregon.

  6. Organ harvesting is a very profitable business, but the donor victim still has to be alive to keep the organs in useful condition. What more convenient way of getting them than in the process of “euthanizing” an unwilling donor. Well, the donor wanted/needed to die anyway says the death panel of Oregon. Too old, or too disabled, or too mentally incompetent to stay alive. Saves the State money in the long run. Actually, the State can legally seize assets of the elderly by claiming guardianship. A deadly variation of taxation?

  7. Does that mean that if you are old and sick in Oregon
    you have to pack heat to protect yourself from your
    “doctor”? There’s a pleasant thought for old poop lefties.
    Old poop “Doc, I need this mole removed.” Doc “Here take this poison.” Bang, bang…bang.


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