One of Biden’s vaccine & mask mandates halted by federal judge in Texas – IOTW Report

One of Biden’s vaccine & mask mandates halted by federal judge in Texas


New Year’s eve, Texas Governor Greg Abbott tweeted:

BREAKING: Texas just beat Biden again.

Another of Biden’s vaccine & mask mandates was just halted by a federal judge in Texas.

The Court writes: “It is undisputed that an agency cannot act without Congressional authorization.”

That would apply to all of Biden’s orders. more

3 Comments on One of Biden’s vaccine & mask mandates halted by federal judge in Texas

  1. What does that mean for my daughter that is about to lose her job in the medical industry? She told her supervisor that she won’t be getting the jab (#2). She was coerced into getting the first J&J shot. I told her to make sure they fire her – do not resign.

  2. Damn Skippy. Everyone except the dedicated losers are so over this hysterical bullshit. All the losers are just whining on MyNeighborhood now look for fellow imbeciles to give them some sympathy over shit that never happened.

    “My mother died… again… from COVID19 she got from some Trumpster who refused to wear a mask!!! (sob!)…”


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