One Of Hillary’s Top VP Picks Also Destroyed Emails, Used Secret Account – IOTW Report

One Of Hillary’s Top VP Picks Also Destroyed Emails, Used Secret Account

DailyCaller: One of the top candidates being considered for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Running mate in 2016 has had some email problems of his own.

Tom Vilsack, the former governor of Iowa and President Barack Obama’s current secretary of agriculture, was caught up in a 2004 scandal that resulted in emails being “inadvertently” destroyed. Vilsack partially blamed himself for destroying emails regarding the Iowa Department of Economic Development Foundation. The Des Moines Register had requested the emails.

Vilsack’s response to the controversy, rather ironically, mirrored Clinton’s response to her own email scandal: he basically said he was old and didn’t know how to use email.

“I’m 52 years old, and I don’t know much about technology,” Vilsack said at the time, according to The National Review. “I don’t even know how to send a response to an e-mail, that’s how technologically deficient I am.”

When Clinton was confronted about her use of a non-secured, private email server, she claimed “it would be easier to carry one device for my work.” Two devices was just too much for her.


16 Comments on One Of Hillary’s Top VP Picks Also Destroyed Emails, Used Secret Account

  1. When he first became governor of Iowa, he fired all of the lottery officials and put in his “own people”. Lotteries are a cash cow and he wanted his people to control the cash. I have never liked him.

    Also, my dad is a retired farmer. He says that too many farmers, farm the government first and the land second.

  2. @Sterling Archer:

    You mean Vlasic, and yes, they are shitpickles. Their dill pickles aren’t dilly enough to suit me.

    I prefer Heinz or B&G (local New York area brand).

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