One of Nancy’s Puppets Got Out of Line – IOTW Report

One of Nancy’s Puppets Got Out of Line

Congressman Adam Smith gets a talking to

Patriot Retort: This morning on CNN’s New Day, Democrat Adam Smith, Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee committed the unforgiveable sin of defying Commissar Nancy Pelosi.

But within hours, Adam Smith was on Twitter with a groveling mea culpa.

I misspoke this morning, I do believe we should do everything we can to force the Senate to have a fair trial. If the Speaker believes that holding on to the articles for a longer time will help force a fair trial in the Senate, then I wholeheartedly support that decision.

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13 Comments on One of Nancy’s Puppets Got Out of Line

  1. Same thing happened to Da Nang Dick Blumenthal. SENATOR Dick Blumenthal! He said the House needs to send the articles over to the senate asap. Within 24 hours he was groveling that he trusts Nancy’s judgement. What the hell does she have over these eunuchs, anyway?

  2. Pelosi is one of the most corrupt, odious figures in American public life. She’s essentially bought and paid for by foreign powers hostile to our country, and she’s been skimming kickback money for years, as well as engaging in insider trading.

    She’s an obnoxius asshole, to boot. Give her the boot, America.

  3. No shame.
    No semblance of manhood.
    “I misspoke …”

    Licking her rancid saggy ass on the House Floor while pulling his limp dick couldn’t have been more humiliating.

    What a Statesman!
    What a proud time for America!
    Thank God for President Trump – apparently one of only a few MEN in DC.

    izlamo delenda est …


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