One of them is lying: Ohr, Page, Simpson Testimonies – IOTW Report

One of them is lying: Ohr, Page, Simpson Testimonies

DC: Reps. Darrell Issa and Matt Gaetz highlighted discrepancies between DOJ official Bruce Ohr’s Tuesday testimony before Congress and the testimony given by Lisa Page and Glenn Simpson.

Ohr appeared before the House oversight and judiciary committee’s to face questions about his role in the FBI investigation of the 2016 Trump campaign. Ohr served as a conduit between salacious dossier author Christopher Steele and the FBI. The DOJ official’s wife also worked for the dossier commissioning firm Fusion GPS while the investigation proceeded.

“In the first hour of testimony, and it’s either Bruce Ohr is lying or Glenn Simpson is lying,” Gaetz told reporters Tuesday, continuing “in another circumstance, it’s either Bruce Ohr is lying, or Lisa Page is lying.”

Gaetz was supported later by Issa, who confirmed the Ohr discrepancy with Simpson’s testimony and said, “There’s also some ambiguity between Ohr and Lisa Page. We will have to go back to the loop to find out which one of them is able to change their story or face perjury.”  read more


11 Comments on One of them is lying: Ohr, Page, Simpson Testimonies

  1. Everyone from Obama, Lynch, Rosenstein, Comey, Brennan, Panetta, Powers, Rice, Hillary, the DNC and all the DOJ, FBI and CIA minions of the establishment have or are lying.

    Congress needs to get away from the political dog and pony show, establish a special prosecutor and establish a grand jury.

    Each one of these seditious bastards have let their “intent” be known before and after the election of President Trump.

    But, but, Jeff Sessions recused himself and abdicated his responsibilities at the DOJ. Nothing like an old establishment fool who allows a Co-conspirator (Rosenstein) to lead the DOJ in its effort to obstruct and obfuscate evidence.

  2. “One of them. pfft. lol”

    My thoughts are the people accusing them are just as bad as the ones being accused. We need a resolution, no more attorneys can hold office. Google the 13th amendment and search deep.

  3. What Uncle AL said.
    They’re all lying, and about different things. Better confusion that way, and the clocks are running. If they all do agree on something, I wouldn’t believe that. They’re seditious and they’re pros.

  4. The infuriating thing about it is at the end of the investigation whether they figure out if one or two are lying, and even who the liars are. I doubt very much if any of them goes to prison or suffers any other negative consequences such as just a heavy fine.

    It will be the Bill Ayers treatment – guilty as hell; free as a bird. I’ve lost all faith in the investigating institution to get to any result with justice, they’re only capable of conducting an annoying circus put on by people who don’t like one another, until one of them kicks the bucket. Then they’ll all agree the deceased was their biggest bestest friend ever and a super swell guy. [ must be a syndical moon phase today ]

  5. Of course, they’re all liars. However many hearings there are, Congress can’t prosecute ANYONE. It should be painfully obvious to all that the ones who CAN prosecute are hopelessly corrupt. We have no more true system of justice at the federa level. Even at the state level, we have corrupt liberal judges releasing criminals into society.

    The only solution is to have special prosecutors set up to invesigate and convict where needed. Unless this is done, we have no hope for true justice.


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