One Percent Castro drops out – IOTW Report

One Percent Castro drops out

Patriot Retort: So, Julián “One Percent” Castro, the guy everybody forgot was running for the Democrat nomination, officially dropped out of the race today.

And when I say, “everybody,” that includes putative frontrunner Joe Biden:

I guess all those Latino Democrats all look alike to Joe.

Unofficially, Castro was never really in this race.  The most recent Real Clear Politics national polling average had Julián Castro at 1.2%.  In Iowa his average is 0.5%. When you’re polling at one percent, that pretty much makes you the Lincoln Chaffe of 2020.

Then again, at least Lincoln Chaffee had to the good sense to drop out almost immediately. keep reading

12 Comments on One Percent Castro drops out

  1. No, you clueless liberal dip shit, it’s not cuzza your last name. It’s because the other Castros say the same things as you. Socialism has failed every time it’s been tried and you haven’t learned a damn thing. Dumb ass. There’s a reason filthy rich libs won’t support you. Prove us wrong. Move to Cuba or Venezuela.

  2. I didn’t see this coming. The guy was a Hispanic that was clean and articulate and didn’t speak with that gutteral slang. He was a fucking storybook man!


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