One small smackdown for Planned Parenthood in Ohio – IOTW Report

One small smackdown for Planned Parenthood in Ohio

American Thinker: Pro-life advocates were heartened by an important victory for life in Ohio, with a federal court ruling that the state can deny Planned Parenthood free taxpayer money if it chooses.

You know, the choice thing. Choices that are supposed to be good.

Here’s what LiveAction had to report about it:

Earlier this month, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals overturned a lower court ruling and upheld a 2016 Ohio law that rerouted approximately $1.3 million in state funding from abortion facilities (like Planned Parenthood) to Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs). As Live Action News previously reported, “… Planned Parenthood… successfully managed to get an injunction blocking the law, with U.S. District Judge Michael Barrett ruling that stripping the abortion giant of its taxpayer funding would cause ‘irreparable injury.’” The Sixth Circuit disagreed, with Judge Jeffrey Sutton writing, “Private organizations do not have a constitutional right to obtain governmental funding to support their activities. The state… has no obligation to pay for a woman’s abortion. Case after case establishes that a government may refuse to subsidize abortion services.”

Now, Ohio has followed through with its original plan and has defunded Planned Parenthood and other abortion organizations in the state. The Associated Press reports that the Ohio Department of Health “notified recipients and contractors Thursday that it will end that funding within a month to comply with the law, unless the court delays the effect of its ruling as Planned Parenthood requested.”

If the rich people of Planned Parenthood want to pay for abortions now, they can hit up their celebrity backers for the cash, the taxpayers don’t have to shell out.  read more

2 Comments on One small smackdown for Planned Parenthood in Ohio

  1. The banner under which these Molech worshipers operate is “right to privacy”. Well, if its privacy then that means ZERO public funds should be allowed.

    It’s not rocket science…. its baby murdering.


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