One Stupid Gesture Costing Chipotle Plenty – IOTW Report

One Stupid Gesture Costing Chipotle Plenty

Accounts vary, but it seems a NYC Chipotle employee(s) threw the old “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” gesture at the NYPD as the officer(s) were entering the restaurant. The officer(s) turned around and left. Some one posted the incident on line and now Chipotle’s CEO is having to apologize to the NYPD.





17 Comments on One Stupid Gesture Costing Chipotle Plenty

  1. Boobie, It might have something to do with the “No Gun” sign on their door. The once or twice a year I go there I carry. That’s why they call it concealed. Screw em.

  2. Name the employee and fire them for cause then “trespass” them from company property and post their photograph. The story says the company has corroborated the story by reviewing video they have in their possession, that it was a single employee.

    Make their life as miserable as their fellow assholes have made it for the officer in Ferguson MO

  3. The story from NewsOne is pretty misleading if you don’t know what actually happened in Ferguson. In laying out the background of the gesture the author states:

    “The slogan is meant to drive home the point that Brown was unarmed with his hands raised, when Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren Wilson shot him to death.”

    This is clearly untrue as at least four autopsies have shown and a number of eyewitnesses have stated. I was kind of puzzled by this until I read the banner about who NewsOne catered to. It’s news for the black community (I think that’s pretty close to a quote on their banner). That’s the problem, how can the black community as a whole make a reasonable judgement when they are constantly lied to in order to support Sharpton. Obama’s, Pelosi’s etc etc ongoing scam. Anyway, never eaten at Chipotle and never will. I use the pepper in my cooking though, it hurts so good 🙂

  4. They’d better fire the shithead. Imagine what he’d do to the food of any officer who ate there–and I don’t mean merely spitting in it. Ground glass, rat poison…

    Jeez, if I were a cop I’d brown-bag it.

  5. Little embarrassed to admit this. I interviewed with Chipotle about 9 months ago. Before an offer was made, I did some research. Realized their leftward leanings and passed. Glad I did. I should have researched before the 1st interview.

  6. I think Chipotle had some marxist slogans or some sort of commie philosophical junk on their to-go bags or something like that.

    As far as THIS incident goes, I’m not surprised the employees did it and I’m not surprised the cops turned around and left.

    The boys in blue have had entirely too much of that crap. What happened to the NYPD being practically deified after 9-11?? Hmmmm???

  7. Chipotle’s been popped more than once for having employees with no or questionable documentation &/or damp backs in their restaurants.
    Since questionable employees often have questionable ideas about hygiene, I don’t eat there.

  8. Never eaten at a Shitpotle.

    It’s just mexican McDonald’s isn’t it?

    Ronaldo McMaldonado with a sombrero, a bandolero filled with burritos and a canteen filled with Immodium.

  9. They did end up supporting the cops over the one idiot employee. I think they’re wrong on the concealed carry, and some of the lefty crap on their bags.


    In my part of the world, CMG is the best Mex available, and I’m glad they’re around

    The order:

    Burrito to go
    No rice
    Black and pinto beans
    Hot salsa

    Eat that in the car with Rush on the radio at lunch time, and I want to start singing God Bless America!

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