One Swede’s Answer to Carry Prohibition: Carry Anyway – IOTW Report

One Swede’s Answer to Carry Prohibition: Carry Anyway


The truth about guns:

Reader Concealed Swede writes:

I am writing to you concerning the recent terror attack in Sweden. As an avid reader of TTAG, a Swede and a concealed carrier, I would like to add a few thoughts to your post on the matter.

First of all, there are indeed permits for legal concealed carry in Sweden, but these are more scarce than unicorn turds. People in the know estimate these permits to be around 20 in the whole of the nation (of 10 million). Eat that, New York City.

Secondly, we have a long-standing tradition of bowing before and relying on the government.

Ever since 1523, when Gustav I was crowned king, we’ve had a downward spiral of centralization, regulation, taxation and reduction of civil liberties. Every single thing in our society has been relegated to, or regulated by, the government.

The rest is here


18 Comments on One Swede’s Answer to Carry Prohibition: Carry Anyway

  1. Sweden is one of the European dominoes destined to fall. When you look at the demographics they have maybe two or three generations left before the muzzies have the voters to win enough elections to take them down. Wake up America, wake up Canada!

  2. I admire this man a lot. To live in a country with that much deep Big Brother love and to go against one of the primary taboos takes a lot of guts and good judgment. Pretty much everything he says is true.

  3. That guy sounds a lot like my one Swedish cousin who loves the USA and wanted very badly to come here to live. The only one of my cousins who is a conservative. Oddly enough, we share the same birthday. 😁

  4. Yes but I don’t think Sweden has that system for juries–most lib countries (as far as I know) don’t trust their citizens to name their own children, let alone whether someone is or isn’t guilty of a crime.

  5. @cato: As someone (it may have been Allan Sherman, I can’t remember) once famously said, “If you think you live in a free country, try going out in your own back yard naked.”


  6. @cato April 11, 2017 at 10:14 pm

    > Are they still inalienable rights if you have to have a permit?

    You’ll have to supply three certified copies of your FOIA ruling before that can be answered.

  7. I am am musing here. I do not advocate violence. However, I suspect that if things get more dangerous there may be an ugly unintended consequence.

    There are decent people with everything to lose who will carry concealed, but “illegally” due to unconstitutional laws limiting their RKBA.

    They may resort to killing the LEO who tries to enforce such blatantly unconstitutional law, since after the first felony, the rest are free. If their lives are going to be ruined for carrying, they may feel cornered and lash out. That is the dark side of punitive laws against citizens with no ill intent.

  8. I myself will not comply with any unconstitutional law and I will not turn my own self defense over to people who can’t guarantee my or their own safety yet foolishly try to forbid me from doing so. To them I emphatically say “kiss my ass” and I applaud the fellow in the article for doing the same. I had rather fight the law and go down than to go down as a coward.

  9. I love TTAG. Great site. Very informative. The gun reviews alone have saved me a lot of time & money from buying a POS and steering me towards a better value.

  10. The idea of reducing the number of cars in Swedish cities was backed last month by Sweden’s environment minister, who argued that driving is a gender equality issue as well as a matter of shrinking the nation’s carbon emissions.

    “Cars are driven largely by men so by giving a lot of space to cars; we’re giving a lot of space to men — at the expense of women,” Karolina Skog explained.

    Level of stupid: >Goddess level

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