One Thing to Thank Obama For – Laying the Groundwork for Trump Crackdown on Leakers – IOTW Report

One Thing to Thank Obama For – Laying the Groundwork for Trump Crackdown on Leakers


President Obama’s Department of Justice drew the blueprint that the Trump administration can use to hunt down leakers.

President Trump’s attorney general, former Senator Jeff Sessions, said Friday that the Department of Justice will review subpoena policies regarding media outlets, but the basis for the possible policy change came from the Obama administration.

According to a New York Times piece, media advocates are worried about the precedent that the Obama administration set:

When Mr. Obama was elected in 2008, press freedom groups had high expectations for the former constitutional law professor, particularly after the press had suffered through eight years of bitter confrontation with the Bush administration. But today, many of those same groups say Mr. Obama’s record of going after both journalists and their sources has set a dangerous precedent that Mr. Trump can easily exploit. “Obama has laid all the groundwork Trump needs for an unprecedented crackdown on the press,” said Trevor Timm, executive director of the nonprofit Freedom of the Press Foundation.   


9 Comments on One Thing to Thank Obama For – Laying the Groundwork for Trump Crackdown on Leakers

  1. It’s not a matter of “going after the press.” When the Fourth Estate derives its power (to persuade) from a solitary ideological source which is hostile to a free people, it is no longer a free expression of events and must be called out as the propaganda and personal destruction machine that it is. The people of a free nation must be able to rely on those calling themselves “journalists” to report the truth of the matter. When the press seeks to fundamentally transform the system of our free society — to bend opinion to conform to the will of the press’s master — it can no longer be considered “the press.” ~AA

  2. Once again, AA nails it. The “press” has not a single worry. The PR arm of the Liberals that call themselves ‘reporters’ and ‘news organizations’ should be worried.

    All they have to do is register as lobbyists or PAC’s and they are in the clear.

    Shit, CNN doesn’t even have a broadcast license so they are already in the clear. Some of the other three letter fonts of leftism aren’t sitting quite so pretty. ABC, CBS, NBC, these guys. They really should be at severe risk for having their broadcast licenses revoked as they haven’t qualified by the word of the law as “news in the public interest” for decades.

  3. With the word for word transcripts of Trump’s initial conversations with the respected leaders of Mexico and Australia disclosed by the Washington Post. It’s time to prosecute the guilty.

  4. @Sarge524 — It seems like an easy enough problem to solve, doesn’t it? Who had access to the President’s phones and go from there, right on down the line and fire everyone. Then change the pswds.

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