Only 98 Turn Out for Biden Town Hall in Iowa; Protester Takes Microphone – IOTW Report

Only 98 Turn Out for Biden Town Hall in Iowa; Protester Takes Microphone


Joe Biden may be the national frontrunner, but it doesn’t seem as though he’s inspired excitement amongst Iowans, at least according to the photo below of a town hall meeting in Ottumwa, Iowa, from Des Moines Register reporter Stephen Gruber-Miller:

Good morning from Ottumwa, where @JoeBiden is kicking off a two-day campaign swing through Iowa. The event started off with one of Biden’s organizers recalling when she heard him speak about ending domestic violence. #iacaucus— Stephen Gruber-Miller (@sgrubermiller) December 21, 2019

The American Mirror estimates from the photo that only 98 people turned out for the town hall event featuring the former vice president.

The Des Moines Register published dozens of photos from the event, but all are tightly composed, making assessing the attendance impossible. The photo published on Twitter was taken from the media section in the back, and clearly shows the entirety of the room’s occupants.

That’s not to say the event wasn’t eventful.

18 Comments on Only 98 Turn Out for Biden Town Hall in Iowa; Protester Takes Microphone

  1. Bernie…. now Joe.

    People inherently want a strong leader, not dictatorial per se, but a leader who will not be swayed or cower to mob intimidation.

    What are the odds a loud mouthed BLM or Antifa anarchist would ever take the mic from DJT, or feel beholden to even try?

    Putin, Xi, Erdogan and Kim, all lust for a Biden, Bernie or any dem presidency.

  2. The crowds will be bigger when Humper Biden starts coming to the Iowa town halls with His Joey. The Biden Cruising for a Bruising Bus Tour to Palookaville hasn’t even hit the gas yet! Give him another couple of months. He’s going to gaff his way past all those clean, articulate, colored candidates. Know what I mean, Kalamity?

  3. Your Democrat “frontrunner” during the week where his opponent was “impeached” by way of Congressional performance art.

    They’re dead. They just don’t know it yet. Sanders won’t dropout this time.

  4. Ottumwa has 7k more residents than my town. Were Trump to show up here, he’d need to plan a farm as a venue. We just don’t have a building that would house 20-30k people.

  5. 98?
    Let’s put this into perspective:
    There are more people waiting in line at any of the stadium bathrooms at any single moment during a Trump rally, and those in the bathroom are rushing because they don’t want to miss one second of the rally.

  6. After 3 1/2 years of what has been assaulted upon President Trump, and without any un-fabricated evidence of wrong doing, why would anyone want to elect biden, when his offenses are so extensive and verifiable? To elect him would be to perpetuate the investigation of an elected President, and the associated ‘biden crime family.’ It would be like a game show with a new contestant. He needs to be exposed and investigated now.

  7. Joe’s only the “lead candidate” because the democrat politbureau has chosen him to be the one like they chose hillary.

    They’ll rig the vote, just like they do all the votes, until they get the result they want.


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