Only one former president has RSVP’d to Trump inauguration – IOTW Report

Only one former president has RSVP’d to Trump inauguration

I’ll give you a hint who it is –



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25 Comments on Only one former president has RSVP’d to Trump inauguration

  1. If both Bushes are skipping it, I’m even more convinced that Trump is going there to shake things up. Who needs the establishment anyway? They created the mess in the first place, and now they get all pissy.

    By the way, does anyone else think those two bushes in the pic look like a pair of nads? Oh, was that intentional? Hahahaha😄

  2. It’s just as well. The contrast would be too sharp. They’re all headed for the dustbin of history anyway, like all those ‘middle’ presidents no can remember or can’t remember anything particularly good about.

  3. I’ve always thought that Bill Clinton would never attend the inauguration for Trump. No way.
    Old abuser Bill is just not man enough.

    Having Trump actually confront him with four of his victims, live in the same debate hall with him, seems to have unnerved him deeply
    and lasting late.

    Clinton will not let himself be seen in the same room with Trump ever again.

    The next and last time will be when President Trump attends Slick Willie’s funeral.
    Which by the looks of him lately, may not be too far in the future.

  4. The Bush’s only got the invite as a matter of courtesy and nothing more. I certainly didn’t expect them to show up to stink the place up. I hope they don’t show their face, I don’t need to be embarrassed again.

  5. How about this

    Trump Inauguration Stage
    By Donation Invitation Only
    ALL in Public view

    Public American CEO Patriots
    Public American Patriots
    Several Hundred Million
    Enough to start a New CCC WPA
    Already Pre-Funded

    Former Presidents First Ladies
    can be on seperate stage
    so they can show their Non-Support
    Right in Media Sight

  6. Is there some way they can arrange for Obama not to be there? He was a worthless piece of crap for the last eight years so why do we need him at the Inaugural? …….unless they have a guillotine on the balcony, then he can attend.

  7. So then, the ‘Peaceful Transition of Power’ was more political horseshit theater.

    As long as it is their choice to drop the Preezydential chuminess, cut off their pensions, SS protection and other gruberment largesse. What do the citizens get in return for that expenditure?
    And send them each a “holiday card’ that says “get lost and stay lost”.

  8. Actually I suspect that Carter would be the only one to respect the office of the Presidency enough to attend. Maybe the Bush’s will show up after Jeb pleads with Mom to make them go and Clinton might go if he figures he can get his hands on an intern or the silverware.

  9. Hee he. I guessed right. He just needs something that he thinks makes him look important. Now that he’s no longer the worst president in U.S. history, he doesn’t have to live in shame and sorrow anymore – he can go places without being so embarrassed.

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