Ooh watch out! “Mini Mike” is angry! – IOTW Report

Ooh watch out! “Mini Mike” is angry!

Bloomberg ‘Fuming’ Over Trump’s Attacks On His Height, Already Has Revenge Plan, Report Says.

DW: Democrat presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg is reportedly “fuming” over President Donald Trump’s attacks on his height and is preparing to enact his revenge against the president for the attacks.

Trump, who has repeatedly referred to Bloomberg as “mini Mike,” hit the former New York City mayor hard during a Fox News interview that aired during the Super Bowl pre-game show when asked by Sean Hannity what the first thing was that came to his mind when it came to each of the top Democrat presidential candidates.

When Trump was asked about Bloomberg, he said, “Uh, very little. I just think of little. You know, now he wants a box for the debates to stand on. Okay, it’s okay, there’s nothing wrong. You can be short. Why should he get a box to stand on, okay? He wants a box for the debates. Why should he be entitled to that? Really. Does that mean everyone else gets a box?” read more

30 Comments on Ooh watch out! “Mini Mike” is angry!

  1. Trump moved into Bloomberg’s head and is living there full time already. It’s over for Little Mike before it even got started. Bloomberg will never be able to effectively debate Trump now.

  2. I picture Trump towering over him with arm outstretched, well out of reach holding the top of his head as Bloomberg flails wildly back and forth trying to connect with a punch.

  3. JEB! who I assumed isn’t short, felt the need to stand on his tip toes during a photo op of the debate he was in. Because he’s an idiot.
    I don’t think Bloomie should get a box to stand on.
    I don’t think women should get a box to stand on.
    lower the Mike.. er… mic.

  4. Scary, pointed TV commercials with personal attacks. How novel. Particularly since no one has been attacking Trump daily 24/7 for almost 5 years.
    I wonder how many people are sick of seeing Bloomberg’s dumb ads. He even is inundating conservative radio, sometimes playing his dumb ad twice in one segment, to people that want nothing to do with him.

  5. Trump’s superpower is his ability to find the weakest part of his opponent’s psyche where their biggest personal doubts and insecurities are just a thin crack away from bursting forth, and he picks at it and picks at it until the go completely batshit insane. It really is quite impressive to watch if you’re not on the receiving end of it.

    And going after Napoleon Nanny Bloomie’s height is a really good tactic because even I, at 5’4″ in height, grasp that no one wants a pint sized leader. It’s a core brain cave man thing, and it’s immutable. Just ask women what they want in a man, and they’ll say “tall” before they even say, “employed” or “not in prison” or “not a serial killer”. Once they see Trump standing next to Bloomie, it’ll be over for half the electorate right there.

  6. Wait till we get to the policy stuff.

    Gun confiscation, drink size and salt limits, climate change hoax, and a bunch of nanny state control issues will make a lot of people run from this little dictator.


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