OOOPS… – IOTW Report


Ben Garrison Cartoons

8 Comments on OOOPS…

  1. Maybe she should do another photo shot, this time holding up her own blood head.

    Of course, she’d have to admit that she did it to herself and Griffin could never do that. Not while there are still a way to smear the current president.

  2. carrot top now denies any connection to griffin.

    talk about being a “look a like” to a celebrity.

    too bad he couldn’t chose which one he looked like.

  3. Remember when Trump’s “pussy grab” audio went public? Remember how Melania responded to the controversy? She wore a blouse featuring a “pussy bow”. The same style Kathy Griffin is wearing in the beheading pic.

    Couple that with what she said about going after Barron, and you see that she went after the entire family.

    She has no idea how lucky she is that it wasn’t my family she terrorized. Cut, cauterize, repeat.

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