Oops: It Looks Like the Vast Majority of Positive COVID Results Should Have Been Negative – IOTW Report

Oops: It Looks Like the Vast Majority of Positive COVID Results Should Have Been Negative

Townhall: Testing, testing, testing — that’s how Pelosi and the Democrats say we’ll defeat the coronavirus. Meanwhile, President Trump and his administration are conducting “operation warp speed” at breakneck pace to develop therapeutics, diagnostics, and a vaccine for the Wuhan flu. Unlike testing, treatments will actually do something for you when you come down sick with the disease. But now we’re learning the overwhelming majority of those who have tested positive for the coronavirus should really have been found negative after all. 

According to The New York Times, potentially 90 percent of those who have tested positive for COVID-19 have such insignificant amounts of the virus present in their bodies that such individuals do not need to isolate nor are they candidates for contact tracing. Leading public health experts are now concerned that overtesting is responsible for misdiagnosing a huge number of people with harmless amounts of the virus in their systems. more here

15 Comments on Oops: It Looks Like the Vast Majority of Positive COVID Results Should Have Been Negative

  1. Scamdemic. Violence taking over the narrative. Saw a huge group of Trump supporters in our small town. Everyone waving thumbs up at their flags and only two old morons with masks outside 100 degrees with a Biden sign.

  2. I am looking at hospitalizations and deaths for L.A. County – not that the reported numbers are necessarily accurate but at least are consistent (I hope). Hospitalizations are down nearly 50% the past 5 weeks. Deaths were persistently around 40 a day, but the past week have dropped about 25%. My guess is that a month from now both numbers will be bottomed out. But my guess is that there will be a new explanation why we need to keep our masks on.
    Getting the hell out of here as soon as possible.

  3. So sorry about your businesses. So sorry about your lives. So sorry about the trillions in debt.

    Things that will never be said by the scamDEMic quacks; much less restitution made.

  4. My wife read somewhere, yesterday, that the CDC admitted that (thus far) fewer than 10,000 peeps actually died of Wuhan Flu (exclusively).

    I can’t find the reference – so I don’t know its provenance.

    This thing has been a hoax from the beginning.
    Sad that we’re so ill-served by our agents and representatives.
    Sadder that we allow it to go unpunished.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. ” Everyone waving thumbs up at their flags and only two old morons with masks outside 100 degrees with a Biden sign.”

    And I bet the Trump supporters were peacefully leaving them alone.

  6. This We Defend,
    Thanks. iOTWReport is the only site I read – so, naturally, I’d miss it.

    Why isn’t this the “News of the Century?”
    6 months of Lockdown.
    6 months of Whitmer Dictatorship.
    6 months of economic catastrophe.
    6 months of judicial subterfuge.
    6 months of Administrative murder by Cuomo, Murphy, Brown, Newsom, et al.

    “The sheep look up, and are not fed …”
    Actually – the sheep look up AND are fed – shit – and eat it hungrily.

    izlamo delenda est …


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