Oops! Joe Scarborough’s Past Ideas About Al Sharpton, Racism, Come Back to Bite Him – IOTW Report

Oops! Joe Scarborough’s Past Ideas About Al Sharpton, Racism, Come Back to Bite Him

Newsbusters: Joe Scarborough’s past came back to bite him this week, as he was called out for hypocrisy in having Al Sharpton on his show to talk about racism. As a former GOP congressman, the MSNBC host had quite the different take on Sharpton than he did while serving in Congress.

It all started Monday, during a segment on Morning Joe where hosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough brought on Al Sharpton to denounce President Trump for not doing enough to fight anti-semitism and white nationalism. In an ironic twist of fate, Twitter users pointed out that Scarborough actually proposed a bill when he was in Congress denouncing Sharpton as a racist and anti-semite: MORE

13 Comments on Oops! Joe Scarborough’s Past Ideas About Al Sharpton, Racism, Come Back to Bite Him

  1. Well, Al knows racism. He is an expert in all facets of the racism hustle. He’s the most prominent racist that is given frequent air time, and a pass. Joe picked an authentic racist to be on his show – getting nipped on the bum by his past statement is a bonus smile.

  2. Ask Sharpton if he ever paid the millions in IRS taxes he owes. I actually got a bill from the IRS last week for $5.92. Guess what they would have done to me if I didn’t pay it.

  3. “White folks was in caves while we was building empires… We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.” Sharpton in a 1994 speech at Kean, College NJ
    Joe and Mika are the pits for kissing that bufoon’s ass.
    Very stupid people.

  4. Joe s. is lowest form of low. Once a Clinton impeachment Prosecutor, how many and what sort of compromises did he make to get where he now? Commiserating with a.sharpton to make Trump look BAD!

  5. Funny, I would have thought the dead girl found in his office would have been the thing that came back to bite him in the ass. As I recall after she was found he changed careers and exited the congress with an almost indecent haste.

  6. Sharpton is ill and will not be around much longer. Joe and Mika on the other hand will be getting plastic surgery to have their faces rendered into perpetual NPC male and female faces and each have the addition of the opposite gender added so they can both become both genders. ah, life on MSNPC, it really is bliss. meH

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