Oops! ‘Team McAuliffe’ hasn’t been trained to avoid hitting the REPLY TO ALL button 🤣 – IOTW Report

Oops! ‘Team McAuliffe’ hasn’t been trained to avoid hitting the REPLY TO ALL button 🤣

Team McAuliffe emails reveal effort to ‘kill this’ Fox News story.

Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe’s campaign raised eyebrows by spending nearly $60,000 to hire a high-profile attorney known for masterminding election-related legal challenges. When Fox News sent the campaign a request for comment, the McAuliffe campaign scrambled to “kill” the story, according to emails mistakenly sent to Fox News.

Less than a month before Election Day, McAuliffe’s campaign spent $53,680 on the services of the Elias Law Group, a firm that Marc Elias started earlier this year, Fox News previously reported. 

When Fox News reached out to the McAuliffe campaign for comment, McAuliffe spokesperson Christina Freundlich responded to the email with a message apparently meant for colleagues, not for Fox News.

“Can we try to kill this,” Freundlich wrote.  MORE

6 Comments on Oops! ‘Team McAuliffe’ hasn’t been trained to avoid hitting the REPLY TO ALL button 🤣

  1. So how is it that we’re being tyrannized by the most inept bunch of m—-rf—-rs ever to claim authority? And their lies aren’t even good. Or even Goebbels big. These are some stupid people, and we are letting them slide. I don’t know about you, but I am personally insulted by the lame shit they try to front. What do we have to blow up, and who do we have to kill to dampen their enthusiasm?

  2. They won’t care.
    The leftists no longer care who knows they’re sneaky ba**ards.
    They figure their voters only care about the “D” after their names.
    Sadly true in many cases. Although Bidumb tanking the country just in time for Thanksgiving and Christmas may change a few minds.

  3. Most people (I don’t know most people: I’m just making a generalization) think of politicians as someone they either like or don’t like. If they like him they vote for him – if they don’t like him they vote against him. There are single-issue voters, of course, who follow that single issue and nothing more. But I think there are very few who attempt to analyze the candidate (which is always past performance and is no guarantee of future performance) and vote for him according to that calculus.
    Thus, the more devious, the more deceitful, and the better liars are elected.

    Throw in a massive dose of electoral fraud and you get what we have now.

    izlamo delenda est …


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