OPEC+ Rejects Biden’s Call to Pump More Oil – IOTW Report

OPEC+ Rejects Biden’s Call to Pump More Oil

PJM: Joe Biden’s request of OPEC+ to pump more oil has been flatly rejected. Reuters reports that the oil cartel, which now includes Russia, sees no need to increase oil output beyond its current levels.

One of the four sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Reuters there was no need to release extra oil more quickly, while another said there was no concern that the planned schedule of increases would leave any demand unmet.

Two other OPEC+ sources said the latest data from OPEC and from the West’s energy watchdog – the International Energy Agency (IEA) – also indicated there was no need for extra oil. more

7 Comments on OPEC+ Rejects Biden’s Call to Pump More Oil

  1. They think they are in the catbird seat with Jackass Joe at the helm…
    and they’re right! They have the perfect opportunity to strangle us slowly with pain at the pump and cold in the winter thanks to The Master of Disaster in the White House!

  2. I get pissed off every time that I drive by a gas station (there are no real gas stations anymore, they’ve all become ripoff convenience stores and stop and robs) and the price has increased by another nickel or a dime since the day before. I have an economical car but this is getting ridiculous. It’s getting to the point where I can’t stop swearing swearing at joey for how bad he and the democraps have fucked up our economy since January.

  3. There’s some guys on IG selling a decal with that goofy looking picture of Biden on it, pointing to one side. The Caption reads, I Did This. Your suppose to stick them on the gas pump next to your total every time you fill up.

  4. Are there more US Pipelines Joe can shut down?
    When are they going to raise taxes?
    It’s all part of the Marxist plan and Joe is the puppet in charge.
    Elections will not come soon enough to change course, Nationally or Internationally.

  5. If only there was a country full of gullible jackasses next to the USA that was full of Oil and willing to send it down to the USA for a fraction of the barrel price.


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